The Women Fandom Loves to Hate--Anna Grant

Sep 08, 2011 14:34

I've signed up to take part in the "Women Fandom Loves to Hate" challenge (see womenlovefest), and I decided to pick Anna Grant, perhaps most consistently hated female character in Blake's 7. The Fest starts tomorrow, but as I'm going to be on vacation, I'm going to start posting today.

Anna item 1: My Anna essay on I wrote this a few years ago and am not sure I still feel 100% the same way, but I think I'm still on a similar page about her.

My basic contention about Anna is that her backstory is clearly very, very complicated. In "Rumours," she is holding down no less than four identities--on the strength of maybe 10 (15 tops) minutes of screen time. This is obviously not enough to get a clear sense of who she "really" is, what she wants, or why she's doing what she's doing. So at a minimum, she deserves some suspended judgment.


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