Weapons of mass destruction, apply within...

Aug 03, 2002 23:45

I found myself wishing for a small thermonuclear device to detonate at 6 this afternoon...

Sainsbury's is so boring now... I really, really hate working there. The people are OK on the whole, but it's the mind-numbing boringness of the work itself, and the wasy some of the customers can be the biggest bastards you've ever heard of... one old bitch thought another customer was laughing at her, so she said she hoped that customer got cancer and died.

If it'd been me serving the old bag I would have refused to carry on until she either apologised or left my checkout. That kind of thing is just inexcusable...

Right now I'm watching Angel and then I'm off to bed. Tomorrow I'll stick to the diet, just like I managed to do today, and in the evening I'll make some more phone calls and also get the bike out to start on this cardio work I've been promising myself I'd do.

Anyway, commercial break's over...

Signing off now
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