Just finished work

Jan 03, 2003 23:35

Revising at work - what has the world come to...

My book ran out an hour before my shift did, so all I had left to read was d-Block Chemistry, which is about as fun as it sounds. But I should really have read it a week ago, so it's probably all for the best...

Tomorrow the plan is to get up nice and early, revise all morning, meet Tom and Andy for coffee in Vagabonds in the afternoon then go to work and revise some more, in between calls. Can't wait...

Oh yeah, and I found some more quizzes, thanks to kehrli...

Which Lord of the Rings Elf Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla


What Completely Random Object Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

...for no apparent reason. Night!

Signing off now
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