Five Words Meme

Dec 04, 2011 21:05

Willowfairie gave me these five words for me to explain what they mean to me:


Archangel:  Having spent my entire life avoiding any education whatsoever in religious studies, my only connection to this word is a paranormal romance series called the "Guild Hunters' by Nalini Singh, which I've recently read (Willowfairie also read the first book).  She (and my whole flist) knows I love this series. So my understanding of an Archangel is a blindingly beautiful human-looking, winged creature with powers enough to subjugate the entire planet. There are both male and female archangels in this alternative world and there are ten of them who have split the earth into ten 'fiefdoms' as it were. The times are contemporary.  I don't want to ruin my perfect record of being completely uninformed on religious practices, studies, or history, so I'm not going to look up the word 'Archangel' to find out who or what they are in our culture.

Beach:  I live in California and beaches run all along the west side of the state (hundreds of miles). As a child I liked the beach. Now, not so much. It represents 1) no place to conveniently go to the bathroom, 2) constantly needing goopy sunscreen to avoid sunburn (I hate goop on my fingers and again no place to wash hands after applying sunscreen), 3) California beach water is semi-cold, so it doesn't attract me and neither does the sand creeping into icky places when one does go in the water, 4) food and drink must be protected from sand.  I'm a marshmallow - I admit it. Give me a 5-star hotel any time.

Master:  Ooh, the description of Lucius Malfoy - in his own mind, anyway. Otherwise, the term makes me waffle. Does that make me a switch?

Feline:  Yup, I'm a cat person. My family has had cats all my life.  I think of pussycats, not the big cats, but getting up close to a Bengal tiger is as near as I will likely ever come to my religious experience, LOL. Absolutely gorgeous animals. (Saw one behind glass about a foot away at the Denver Zoo. Wow.)

Sapphire: One of the sparkly gemstone minerals. I do love sparkly things, especially the gems - diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, amethysts, alexandrites, peridots...yeah, all of those and more.

There ya go, Scary. Is it what you expected?

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