(no subject)

Feb 05, 2011 19:56

I have decided to do a Mission101 list. The list can be found under the cut. I would aprecciate any comments etc
1. Lose 50 pounds
2. Go to the pool at least three times a week for 25 weeks once I’ve lost 25 pounds
3. Make a Healthy Lunch for work for 250 days. (8/250)
4. Don’t bite my nails for 31 days in a row
5. Get over 30 forms processed a day at work for 250 days (2/250)
6. Don’t nap after the early shift for 250 days (5/250)
7. Earn 2500 wii fit credits (?/2500)
8. Get a beauty routine going in the mornings.
9. Join Weightwatchers
10. Keep a notebook with my 101 Progress
11. Renew my provisional licence
12. Get my full driving Licence
13. Buy a car
14. Give up crisps for a Lent
15. Give up sweets for a Lent
16. Give up Chocolate for a Lent
17. Give up takeaways for a Lent
18. Give up Fizzy Drinks for a Lent
19. Get my BMI to below 25
20. Keep a dream journal
21. Buy a watch
22. Wear a watch for 100 days

Food and Drink
23. Drink at least 2 litres of juice/water a day for 250 days
24. Try 25 new restaurants (1/25)
25. Try 100 new recipes
26. Make a cookery scrapbook

Money Management
27. Get a Dunnes Clubcard
28. Put at least €20 aside a week for bills (€80)
29. Put at least €20 aside a week for America (€80)
30. Put €50 a week into the savings club at work (4)
31. Put €10 a week into an envelope for treats (€40)
32. Count out all my coins at home and lodge them
33. Lodge €20 a week into the Credit Union in either Nenagh or Thurles
34. Make a weekly budget
35. buy enough TV license saving stamps to have the bill completely paid off before I get it in September.

36. Write to 25 famous people
37. Go to 20 Exhibitions/Concerts (1/20)
38. Finish 10 video games

Films and TV
39. Watch 101 movies I’ve never seen before
40. Go to the cinema once a month for 24 months
41. Make a database for all my DVD’s and Blurays.
42. Post review of at least half the movies I watch
43. Watch all of Farscape
44. Watch a movie for every letter of the alphabet
45. Visit cinema 25 times throughout the challenge
46. Watch all of Due South
47. Watch all of Mad Men
48. Watch 25 black and white movies
49. Watch all of 24

50. Read 101 books (1/101)
51. Read 25 non fiction books
52. Post reviews of least half the books I read
53. Maintain my goodreads profile
54. Read 10,000 pages in a year
55. Read 30,000 pages throughout the challenge
56. Read all of the Wheel of Time books (6/14)
57. Read 50 books on the kindle
58. Read War and Peace
59. Read 25 classics
60. Read all of Terry Practchett in order

World of Warcraft
61. Get one of every race to 85 (1/12)
62. Get one of every class to 85 (2/12)
63. Get every profession to 525 (8/?)
64. Get 10,000 achievement points on Rhalliord (6750/10,000)
65. Get 100 mounts on Rhalliord (83/100)
66. Get all the rares in archaeology (13/?)

67. Sort out my Itunes
68. Learn to play all the of The Phantom Of The Opera music book on piano
69. Learn to play all of the Love Never Dies music book on piano
70. Learn to play all of the Les Miserables music book on the piano

71. Visit 10 new places in Ireland
72. Collect all the different US Quarters
73. Visit 10 new places abroad
74. Stay a night in a five star hotel
75. Go on a Rollercoaster

76. Take at least one photo a day for a month
77. Take part in project 365
78. Update my deviantart at least once a week for 12 months.
79. Sell a photo
80. Make a calendar of my photographs
81. Enter 10 photography competitions
82. Win a Photography competitions
83. Take part in the 4am project

84. Update Livejournal 10 times a month for 12 months
85. Complete any 2 30 day memes
86. Maintain my blog at eblog
87. Donate 100,000 grains of rice
88. Donate 10,000 cups of water

89. Earn 30 million neopoints
90. Buy all of the buyable plushies and toys for my gallery
91. Obtain my dreamie pet The MSPP
92. Finish this year’s Daily Dare
93. Keep the keyquest section at Jellyneo up to date

94. Learn 50 Greek gods
95. Learn 50 Roman gods
96. Learn 50 Egyptian gods
97. Learn 50 Celtic gods
98. Learn to knit
99. Knit a scarf
100. Restudy Leaving cert maths
101. Restudy Leaving cert Physics

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