so yesterday was one of the sweetest (by sweet i mean both in the way a druggie from california would say "sweet man" and also in the way a little corgie is sweet :3) nights of my life. Stephen came in the 10 zone, we stayed down stairs and did things down there *PERSONALLLL*
Then we went on the train to white plains. We ended up getting one of the seats that the conductor is supposed to sit in which was cool because it was like our own private space 8D
Got to White Plains and walked to the movie theater , We Saw Night At The Musuem on an Imax screen and as I said I would fully enjoy this holiday....i got butter popcorn (dont tell mom :3)
The movie was excellent for the most part but some things did both the hell out of me...first of all its not the real musuem, its a sound stage that honestly to me (but not to Stephen) looks nothing like the musuem. In general it has hints of what the musuem looks like but certain things like, The hall of African Mammals and The Main Lobby looked nothing like the actual musuem and also that there was only 1 FUCKIN DINOSAUR !!!! Dude seriously the place is most famous for the dinosaurs, WHY IS THERE ONLY 1 DINOSAUR FEATURED >__<
(sorry I am such a geek, its cause I love the musuem, its one of my favorite places in the whole world, one of the places i spent most of my childhood in) But otherwise the movie was great, the best part of the movie was when Ben Steller gives The Hung's therapy *dies*
The only thing that bugged me was The imax screen wasnt that big ;-__- bit dissapointed by that but New Rochelle has the best Imax screen so I'll have to take him there ~!!
Then after the movie we went to the Gallera. It is quite funny, though I love Stephen extremely it was really funny, we are so in a way the normal couple at the mall. He can stand the stores I like, I wont say I cant stand his but they arent my favorites. Though we both agreed on Spencers. I got a Ramones bag and gloves , he helped pay for them :3
Then we went and got a pizza and friend bananas slices (SO GOOD ~!!)
Got back to Katonah and....went to a make out spot (i'll leave the rest to your imaginations....)