Dec 18, 2022 00:06
It's the end of the year! So it's time to set some goals before the the new year right ? ...
I think I'm just going to end of the year with some Gratitude :)
Just the other day, I was wallowing in a bit of self-pity and so I said to colleague, I thought I ought to change my job title to "resident chaser". All I ever seem to do is chase people to complete endless trainings.
She laughed and in response said, "Yeah, that's true. There are many deadlines for us to catch up on and endless other tasks to complete, but I'm grateful that our colleagues are cooperative, so that we can all get things done on time.
ouch. :'[
But it's true. Getting things done is a team effort, and it could be a lot worse if the staff were recalcitrant.
... so I'm grateful for colleagues that help me to get things done and for some who help me to think positvely (and not feel so self-entitled).
On the flip side, I'm grateful for the interns who empathize with me when I receive backlash from sending out those chaser emails (also known as "evil emails") in the form of angry indignant phone calls.
On a totaaaally separate note... my left eye feels kind of squishy and my vision isn't great.. This flu is ... strange.