
Sep 04, 2005 12:19

I can't seem to decide whether or not I'd like to switch to livejournal or stay with blogger, so the sequence of these next few entries may be confusing as I vacillate between the two.

This isn't the only decision I'm having trouble with. I'm so GREAT at decisions. My decision right now is as follows: would I rather work on my college essays, backtracks columns, or livejournal? Actually, I guess I just made that decision...

So anyway I was thinking about college (I'm sure no one else was), and how the places that accept us and (more importantly) where we choose to go will become another label by which we can be judged. I'm going to try and lay this out. Here are some people and the colleges they want to go to (as far as I know/right now):

Me: U of Washington
Emily (Z): Pitzer
Tommy: Harvey Mudd
Jay: U of Washington
Merit: Stanford
Kath: USC
Taylor: PCC
Lindsay: Wesleyan
Liz: Boston College
Jackie: Harvard
Julia: Lake Forest
Amy: Harvard
Ansley: Harvard
Matt: Dartmouth
Emily (F): Yale
Jon: Pomona

(Do you like how I put space between me and Jay to represent that we don't want to go to the same college just because the other is applying?) So, the fact that these people want to go these places means a totally different thing than if they actually are accepted to these places. Some people on this list probably won't get into the college they want to go. Or maybe they will. I have no idea, really, that depends on how well they write or how much of an influence Phillips Academy actually has. But from this list we can make certain judgements. Jay, Julia, Taylor, Kath, Liz and I probably aren't as motivated as the rest of the list. Tommy is probably really into science. Emily is environmentally conscious. Jay, Kath, Taylor and I don't really care about one-on-one attention from teachers. Amy, Ansley, Matt, Emily (F), Jackie and Jung are super super smart. Jon is smart but probably a huge jerk. Taylor probably didn't do very well in high school.

How many of these judgements are true? How many are legitimate? They're all logical, but are they fair? Probably not. I myself am very judgemental and think that some labels are a good representation of a person's character, but all labels have exceptions. Let me dissect this list a little more, even though I'm really risking offending everyone and their mom:

Me: U of Washington, because I love Seattle, I love the options, I love the vibes, I love the people, and I like the quality of the facilities a big college can offer. Plus, they're trying to give more one-on-one attention to students, as most massive colleges are.
Emily (Z): Pitzer, because she probably likes the idea of the consortium plus the smaller class sizes, and of course, she is environmentally conscious and likes volunteering.
Tommy: Harvey Mudd, because yes, in fact, he likes science and is pretty damn smart (let it be known that he was on our elementary school's first place science bowl team).
Jay: U of Washington, because he likes public universities and (more importantly) the Civil and Environnmental Engineering major.
Merit: Stanford, both her parents went there and it's a little more laid back (but not much) than ivies. She also likes warm weather, and is really smart and involved in just about every club in Andover.
Kath: USC, because she doesn't like Andover very much (she's spending htis year in Spain through SYA), knows she doesn't want to go to Harvard because her dad and some friends went/go there and know she wouldn't like it, plus she's from LA.
Taylor: PCC, because she knows she wouldn't do well enough at U of O the first two years of college to justify the amount of money she needs to spend.
Lindsay: Wesleyan, because...she's smart and she likes to write? I don't know.
Liz: Boston College, because she's from the area and her dad wants her to go there.
Jackie: Harvard, because she's motivated (she was a Senate Page a couple summers ago and is captain of two sports teams at Andover), I know she has a boyfriend there but I don't know if that's why, and she's just an east-coast kind of girl even though she's from Oklahoma.
Julia: Lake Forest, because she doesn't want to go to the East Coast and doesn't want to stay on the West Coast, plus she loves the campus and maybe the class sizes I can't really remember.
Amy: Harvard, because it's near her home, but then again she really has no idea, and her softball will probably aid her admissions to whatever college she goes.
Ansley: Harvard, for the hockey. That's it.
Matt: Dartmouth, because it's close to home and it's an ivy.
Emily (F): Yale, because it's an ivy and their crew team is pretty good, I guess.
Jon: Pomona, because he's a pretentious jerk and his brothers went there.

Some of those are assumptions, but they're they way I'm seeing people's choices, and my main purpose is just to show how different some labels are when they're delineated. We (or, I guess more accurately, "I") will inevitably be judging people based on where they matriculate. Even though I already know these people pretty well, their future colleges will probably illustrate what type of person they are pretty damn well.
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