Apr 25, 2015 07:38
Because they hired me. I have a contingency contract for next year, a 1.0 FTE SpEd. And I got a call last Friday about a long term position at an EBD class that had 'lost their teacher'. (drama incoming, anyone?) Instead of going on Spring back I reported to the land O' Chaos and Drama. They have had a succession of subs for several weeks and little consistency. I at least found the math books last week. Their last permanent teacher(second this year, I'm the third) came to say goodbye yesterday and it's really obvious Something Went Down. I haven't had a lunch or prep all week and I left yesterday at 6:00.
I met another teacher in the staff room who asked me if I was the new teacher and I smiled and said, "Um, I'm the long-term sub, actually."
Because sorry, I'm not doing this to myself again.