okay some thoughts not in caps:
- Did they think this was going to be the series finale? Because there was a LOT going on in these episodes, like nearly all my favourite guest stars - the only ones missing were Elspeth and Caitlin, basically; Loius Canning is so good and Patty! Ahhhh, I loved having Patty back, she's so fabulous.
- THAT ELEVATOR SCENE. My goodness. And it just got more and more. I was laughing and cringing. So well played. And Will is just in the corner like LOL FINE THIS IS HILARIOUS.
- THOSE OTHER ELEVATOR SCENES i.e. the one with Kalinda and the one with Will and Alicia - asdf.
- Kalinda, holy shit, Kalinda. I love that she made the choice to stay. I loved that. Oh god, her Canadian husband! EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING. I was so scared for Alicia :(
- Uh, Kalinda and Dana have amazing chemistry and I would like a sex scene with them please. Thanks, TV gods, I know you'll get right on that. (YOU BETTER.)
- I should say that "I'm not gay, I'm flexible" infuriated me. Could I, for once, please just fucking get a bisexual character who will ID as bisexual who is not aged between 13 and 17? I would really fucking appreciate that.
- Also, my mother really loves Kalinda, so I think that would help me next time my mother is like "I don't understand bisexuals :(" and I'm like ".................."
- Gosh, Chris Noth is good. Peter is such a fantastic character. It's amazing how often he walks the line of being likeable. Turning on his charm like in the scene with Canning and Patty - or switching it all the way off, all at once and all of a sudden, like in that scene with Jackie. Someone was saying to me on Twitter the other day that they'd be fine if he left and I was just - look, Peter's not a great person, but he's such an important character.
- Like all the characters on this show. IT'S SO GOOD. GOD.
- The kids were super charming. I usually like them well enough but they were very very likeable this episode.
- Is it just me or was this a very unusual episode, for this show? in terms of what it did with the television and the baby? The toddler walking around added this very dreamlike and uncertain aspect while the television stuff was almost horror movie-esque. Especially with Jackie. It all felt very uncharacteristic, although not in a bad way. Ummmmm. I feel like there was probably stuff going on there that I missed because my background in cinema and film technique isn't all that strong. I think there was Stuff Happening that I couldn't read.
I was super-impressed with everything about this episode except that it ended in a cliffhanger. God. Why?
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