DD has just released the name of the next YW book: Games Wizards Play. I'm pretty excited, NGL (even though it probably won't be out for another ... year at minimum, probably more like two). She's also going to release a blurb tomorrow so I'll save up any commentary until then, but there's also a thing where if you retweet
this tweet you may win one of five cameos in the book - which I find interesting because she said there'll be a bunch of bonus wizard cameos, not as many as W@W but still a few. Which is pretty neat because I love those scenes, like the one at Gili Motang in WoM, too. (Sudden re-read craving!)
I've gone through three Connie Willis novels in the last month - Blackout, All Clear and The Doomsday Book. I read a couple of books by her last year and am really digging her work - should have listened to whoever it is on the YW forums who recs them all the time years ago, apparently. (I think it's Kathy Li, who has impeccable taste in everything.)
The landlord is redoing our bathroom. This is great because it was a mess, but crap because we don't have a shower and have to flush the loo with buckets and also the place is a mess because the builder is apparently not into dropcloths or anything. He also ruined a towel we laid down to catch the massive leak that runs along an internal doorframe by standing on it in his boots (like, it was filthy). grrrr. OTOH, hopefully the leak will also be fixed. And the bathroom. And the kitchen. And then I'll be able to actually have people around without blushing.
Finally caught up on Doctor Who after realising that tumblr was not going to let me stay unspoiled until September (;.;). SCREAM. I cannot cannot CANNOT wait until September.
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