I moved into a new flat and
trialia wanted pictures. My room's still a mess &c so actual flat pictures can wait, but I DO want to show off my Major Big Effort, i.e. I finally have all of my books in one room again, readily accessible! (Regrettably, 'readily accessible' does not mean 'on bookshelves'. Some day my house with a room lined with bookshelves will come. Until that day, you have... well, I'll show you.)
My fabulously organised collection:
(you can also see bits of my room here. Clothes are hanging on the walls because I don't have a wardrobe or, um, a space where I could put a wardrobe, either.)
You don't think that looks organised, huh? Well, how about a 'before' shot?
OK, that is actually half of my room. (Yes, I have a piano. No, it's not mine, it came with the room. Yes, it is slightly annoying, but on the other hand, it's fairly attractive so long as you don't play it (sticky keys, not in brilliant tune...) so I may end up using it as a second bookshelf/desk/whatever.)
Slightly more detailed shot of Just the Books:
See, now you think that first photo's pretty impressive, huh? How's about some more detail shots of my beautiful, beautiful books?
My brilliant organisation:
Non-fiction, poetry, and misc:
'Skience', just ftr, includes a little bit of science (Darwin, theory of language) and a little bit of social sciences (sociolinguistics, Social Ethics, Waitangi history). This shelf only includes my favourite two textbooks (Social Ethics and sociolingustics) because - well mostly the others were too big, tbqh. Also, those aren't all my comics, just the ones that were in boxes with books - the others are in a big plastic container with some other miscellaneous stuff.
And this is my fiction and to-read bookshelf:
To be honest, it killed me some of the books I ended up keeping in boxes. This bookcase is really just the Greatest Hits and representative books - so Dorothy Sayers stands in for all crime fiction, Tessa Duder stands in for New Zealand realist YA, David Levithan and Rachel Cohn stand in for USA realist YA, and so on.
Check out the second row here:
Why yes, that IS every single DD book I own: all three of the published Door books, TBONWM, the YW books starting with my 20th anniversary SYWTBAW (the book imma get signed by DD some day - and retrospectively the book I'm so pissed I lost the dust jacket of, because it has awesome art), moving through the Corgi editions of the first four books (some of my favourite art on these covers - the Corgi HW is, to my mind, really stand-out), and then the Magic Carpet editions from Dilemma. Next to buy: To Visit the Queen (actually, I was convinced I owned that, but apparently not) and STEKR, which is going to be tough because it definitely won't be available second-hand here. Also on that shelf: the complete Alex and Tiggie series, two of my faves ever!
Now for some other pictures. First, the Tragic Books: the books that got ruined in the move (not bad considering half of these books sat in boxes in a leaky garage for a year and a half):
Luckily I have duplicates of the Wyndham and the coverless book (which is Anne Holm's I am David).
And then the books I loved so much, apparently I bought them twice (if you live in Wellington and would like some of these, except for TBONWM which I promised to
shoeless_girl, let me know and we'll do coffee and you can have them.)
Some of these I'm especially boggled by: Essential New Zealand Poems? I bought that twice, really? This doesn't even include Mahy and Narnia books, of some of which I own three copies! (They're in the YA fantasy box and I can't be bothered getting them out for the pictures.) OTOH, I actually remember buying Year of the Griffin twice (I think it was in Wellington and I was in Christchurch, or vice versa, and I really wanted to read it right then.) And I know I bought the Gee for class last year - it was actually a serious drag going through the books and thinking 'shit, I really spent $25 on a second-hand copy of The World Around the Corner when I already owned it', even though I knew when I bought it that that was the case (a lot of my books were in Christchurch at the time, including great chunks of Mahy and Gee, and then I took a paper on... Mahy and Gee.)
ANYWAY. Look! Look at my books! All together for the very first time!