
Mar 02, 2010 21:58

Oh interwebs, we haven't spoken in awhile and I've been busy, so have a really disorganised list.

1. (DW only) I don't think I've ever used this icon before and I'm just noticing - wow, Kit looks really really white. Ummm.

2. I would like it to become mandatory for absolutely every gvt department (at LEAST) that publishes data to do so in both clean, searchable .pdfs AND excel files so that those of us who have to check tables compiled from those data can do so without it taking 20 hours. Also,, it would really be helpful to me if you could a) make new excel files for the ones that are just pdfs and b) organise your website in a way humans can actually comprehend. Ineffability should be reserved for deities.

3. I'm unpacking - yeah, I had a massive bitchfest about packing like three weeks ago, this is not deja vu - anyway, unpacking is slightly better than unpacking because omg I get to take my books out of boxes! *_* And then mostly put them back in, which is LESS of a happy time, because I really need another two bookcases and maybe... a room to put them in.

4. I have started my publishing course. It's going really well but omg so busy. Probs a more detailed post on this later!

blah, lif, books

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