paintmarks sent me snowflakes! Thanks hon :)
So today I started my new job, reference checker & proofreader at the Waitangi Tribunal. Because they planned for me to start actually doing my job on Wednesday, and before that basically had a bunch of style guides and one or two articles for me to read, by 1pm today I was like "doo doo doo... nothing to do!" (I mean, really.) So my boss got me started on reading this book on the Waitangi Tribunal called, um, The Waitangi Tribunal: Te Roopu Whakamana i te Tiriti o Waitangi. (Ed. J Hayward and N Wheen for anyone who wants to go look this up, which I don't know why you would want to do, but whatever.) It's basically a bunch of chapters on a bunch of different aspects of the Tribunal - history, procedure, etc. A couple of chapters compare it to other nations' methods of dealing with indigenous peoples' land rights, and one chapter was on Canada. Want to hear something really, really horrifying?
So British Columbia has been pretty slack on acknowledging that First Peoples have any land rights at all. They finally got around to it a while ago, like maybe 15 years or so, and established the BCTC - BC Treaty Commission, which is a tiny bit like the Waitangi Tribunal in, like, a few ways. Not very many. But you want to hear the best difference, and by best, I mean worst? So the BCTC is funded 8% by the federal gvt of Canada, 12% by BC itself, and 80% by... a loan to the First Peoples of BC. In fact these various tribes etc now owe CDN$177 MILLION, over about 50 claims, and NONE of the claims have been resolved - only one of them is CLOSE to being finished. The BCTC is only authorised to give out CDN$7 million per claim. Do you see what's happening here? Hi, guys... we took your land and left you impoverished and for a couple of hundred years we refused to acknowledge that you might deserve or need any kind of compensation at all, and now, hey, you can have it! But any money that we give you you're going to have to give right back to pay off the costs of us admitting that we did something wrong! Neat, huh?
-- this is all current to when my book was written, about 2003-4, I think. But even if they've fixed it since then - and I note via Wiki that it's now the British Columbia Treaty Process, but other than that nothing particularly encouraging - how does that kind of thing even happen?
Also, because I feel like it, a meme via
deutscheami (of whose hints I didn't get a single answer, but never mind.)
1. Put your iPod on shuffle
2. DO NOT write down the lyrics of the first 15-20 songs to come up.
3. Describe what the song is about. Be creative.
4. Cross out the songs when your friends guess them in the comments.
1. Ambiguous quasi-religious references and resignation.
2. LOLOL omg um, polyphony, sex, automobiles, and hair gel.
3. It's an anthem to slash fandom and textual poaching. Or, alternatively, Russia post-Soviet Union.
4. I'll totally be faithful to you when I'm away at college/drafted/somewhere else for ages and ages! So we should screw now.
5. Never tell children about astronomical events because they're already difficult enough to get to sleep at night.
6. I've fallen in love unexpectedly, which you'd think would be a good thing but I've inexplicably sung this song in a minor key, just like the rest of this damn depressing album that I wrote to get over my father's death! (Note: This comment may not be quite in the spirit of the meme.)
7. When I was a little girl I really wanted to be one of the Twelve Dancing Princesses!11!eleventy!
8. Your luuurve makes me feel like we can fly in an antisocial manner!
9. My title is totally inexplicable, but I'm basically about the "singer" charater in Sk8r Boi, grown-up and at college.
10. I'm a depressing B-side about someone with no self-esteem!
11. The life lived in an historical region in Europe - sort of.
12. I'm the same artist as 6. and 11. but I'm in a good mood for a change - I still have no self-esteem but I feel good about the rest of the world, so let's give romance a go, shall we? Also, I have an awesome music video.
13. You're just enchanting. Are you sure you're not a witch?
14. I have the courage to accept myself and my sexuality completely, which means I also have the courage to leave you for someone who does the same. (Note: I fucking love this song and it kills me I can't find a less lame way to describe it!)
15. Aren't you just the cutest little vulpine on the block? And you know it. Jimi Hendrix - Foxy Lady, guessed by
eavanmoore16. Let's exchange backrubs. I mean the sexy kind.
17. Life is deterministic! Be proud of it!
18. I'm in an abusive relationship but I'm going to sing like it's awesome.
19. I'm three cryptic slices of life about entropy in relationships. (Note: I really have no idea what this song is about!)
20. I'm about god. Or possibly space exploration? Human nature? The natural impulse to worship? I'm so conflicted!
Songs skipped: three that are new on my ipod and I can't describe them (One off the new Mika album that I haven't listened to much - One Foot Boy; I like several other songs on the album a lot, though, two off the new Seven Worlds Collide), one other song by 6, 11, and 12 that I skipped because it was getting ridiculous even though I love this person.
I have my interview for the publishing course at Whitireia tomorrow morning. Advice and well-wishes gratefully appreciated!