Character meme questions answered!

Apr 22, 2006 20:33

First things first: character list!

1. Juanita Callahan
2. Cassandra Cain (Batgirl II (?))
3. Dairine Callahan
4. Carmela Rodriguez
5. Trisana Chandler
6. Emily Volnik
7. Christopher Rodriguez
8. Timothy Drake (Robin III)
9. Gertrude Yorkes (Arsenic)
10. Hermione Granger
11. Sker’ret
12. “Miss” Susan Sto Helit
13. Briar Moss
14. Chase Stein (Talkback)
15. Stephanie Brown (Robin IV)

Um. SPOILERS for Infinite Crisis and OYL issues of Robin and Teen Titans, as well as Wizards at War.

1. I'm walking down the street. Do I pass Tim or Briar in five-inch sparky stillettos?

Definitely Tim, who could at least maintain that he was undercover. Plausible deniability is important in these situations. I mean, Briar has to explain away the anachronism before he can even start thinking up something to stop his foster sisters laughing.

2. You're shopping for groceries. If Dairine, Kit, Hermione, Sker'ret, and Chase were edible, what would they be?
Dairine would be... okay, I'm sorry, it's too obvious but she would definitely be a red, red chili.
Kit would be chocolate, but the kind with peanut butter or ricies or something in it. Because it's intrinsically comforting and colourful.
Hermione would be eggplant/aubergine, because it's the smartest of the vegetables... and lots of people don't like it. (myself included. But I like Hermione.)
Sker'ret would be rice, because it's plentiful and you can do lots of things with it.
Chase would be capsicum, because I said so.

3.Kit, Susan and Steph are in the pub when zombies attack. How do they deal with the situation?

Steph goes for a kick, shouting a battlecry of "EW, GROSS" and taking Bat-approved zombie containment measures. Kit obviously goes for his manual for a spell that's good for zombies. Naturally, neither of them beat Susan.

... all she has to do is LOOK.

4. Cass and Carmela meet when ordering chips. They have a one night stand (Can I have a *_*?), but are caught the next morning by Tim. What happens?

Cass and Carmela have bonded over superior fashion taste and are talking about the latest in very short skirts. Tim is hit by the mother of all blushes, mostly concealed by his mask, and leaves before Carmela can start treating him like Kit. (Not that Tim or Kit are alike, I just think she'd treat them the same way.)

5. Nita, Emily, Tim and Chase run a crime-fighting league. What are their individual powers? also what is the league called?

The PanUniversal All-Comers Socially Maladjusted Teenager's League of North America. STARRING Juanita Callahan as LUDDITE, the wizard with the power to make you wish you'd never bought that computer; Emily Volnik as COLONIAL, the emotion-altering teen who cripples her enemies with nostalgia; Timothy Drake as ROBIN: he needs no powers to kick your ass; and Chase Stein as TALKBACK, the kid with the bad upbringing and the knife to prove it.

Handily, two of these characters already fight crime and one of the other two is, yes, a wizard. You can probably guess the one I made up...

6. Tris, Hermione, and Gert are passengers on the Oriental Express when a murder is committed. What do they do?

Tris takes of her glasses, stands next to the air-conditioning vent, and pays attention. At some point, the braids may come undone. Once she's found the murderer, Gert takes Old Lace and menaces the murdered until Hermione arrives and utilises that handy rope-spell, which I've forgotten. Then they all sit down and wait for the authorities (read: incompetent adults) to arrive.

7. Nita, Dairine, Kit, and Cass are writing university application essays. What are their topics?

Nita: "Talking to the Animals (and the stars, and the trees, and the cancer cells...)"
Dairine: "I'll Show You Life Experience: Beyond the Event Horizon and Back"
Kit: "My Dog Was Master of the Universe (and I still miss him)" *tiny sob*
Cass: "Why Teach Children to Read? A Formal Discussion On The Importance of Literacy."

Only the last one is an actual topic, and that's just because I was being sarcastic (Cass, for those who are unfamiliar with her, was raised without any language othe than the physical. So she can read your body but she can't, you know, read. But she sure can kick your ass.) However, I know nothing about uni application essays, so for all I know, that's what they look like.

8. I'm trying to find a new bookshop, and I pass Carmela, Briar, and Emily in the road. Which one do I stop to ask for directions?

You quickly pass the girl in the pink pants talking loudly into her cellphone and doubt that the hot guy slouching by the road has any idea what a book is. The Canadian girl, on the other hand, is exactly the type.

9. I crash in to Sker'ret while driving home from work. No one is hurt, but how do Sker'ret and their passengers Cass and Tim respond?

Sker'ret is very forgiving and cheerful, and proceeds to fix your car (in the process altering the engine so that it runs 50% more efficiently) while Cass finds the first available shadow to sit in and Tim subtly tries to figure out if you're under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

10. I'm throwing a birthday party and ask people to bring a plate. What do Nita, Dairine & Gert bring?

Nita brings potato chips and home-made dip; Dairine rummages through the fridge before deciding to buy something instead; and Gert doesn't bring anything, although she also doesn't eat much (do they even have cooking facilities under the tar-pits?)

11. Chase & Emily squabble over the affections of the oh-so-popular Dairine. How do they settle their dispute? And how does Dairine respond?

Dairine finds the whole thing amusing, in a horrifying way, but can't deny that she's attracted to the obnoxious, blond Chase, to whom Emily quickly concedes without putting up much of a fight.

12. Tim is publishing a compilation of his latest poetry. Carmela and Tris, having read the compliation, both have suggested titles for the work. What do they recommend, and which title does Tim decide on?

>.< oh my god, Tim writing poetry would be the WORST THING EVER. EW. But Carmela suggests "Capes over Gotham" (I don't think she actually read the book) and Tris suggests "evening, solitary, Gotham" both of which are equally atrocious. For want of a good title Tim decides not to publish, for which I personally am grateful. (I love Tim a lot, but his father, girlfriend, girl "friend" and best friend all just died; his mother's already dead, another best friend retired and he's accused of the murder of a close colleague. The city he was protecting was bombed to pieces and his team has been shattered and sort-of rebuilt. His life? Really sucks, okay, there is no good poetry there for years.)

13. What birthday present would Kit and Emily buy for Carmela?

A kilt! Fashionable, but a kilt!

14. Would Steph cry at Nita's funeral?

Steph's, um, dead. But if she knew Nita, or existed in the same universe as her? Definitely.

15. Who ate all the pies? Oh, wait..

Sker'ret beat Briar to them, hands down. Pun unintended. XD

16. Are Nita, Tris, Briar men/women of science or of faith?

Um... tough one. I would say essentially science for all of them, but they're also all magic users and that stuff has to come from somewhere. Briar and Tris particularly as they were, you know, raised in a temple. Nita, on the other hand, is a devotee of science in general.

17. Who is Susan mostly likely to in love with?

Canonically, or on the list? Canonically... Imp Y Celyn or Lobsang Ludd (I personally prefer Imp, but YMMV). On the list... Nita, just because the LP is obsessed with Nita and I like to the Death's Granddaughter would share some of these traits (plus, Nita's timeline is nearly as awful as Susan's, although less because of nifty time management than because not even DD really knows how old Nita is.)

18. Cass and Hermione fight in a dark alley. Who wins?

Cass. Unless Hermione has half and hour's warning and maybe not even then, since spells can be dodged and Cass is basically the master.

19. Who, out of Kit, Carmela, Sker'ret and Tim would win a drinking game?

Sker'ret. He's canonically eaten and enjoyed lead paint, girly magazines, and oxygen tanks (the tank itself, not the oxygen.) Somehow I don't think alcohol is really going to affect his physiology all that much. :P Aliens excepted, Carmela.

I also just read the whole Batgirl run, and... wow. *clutches heart* As a consequence, all I'm really thinking right now is CASS CASS BATGIRL CASS! *sob*

comics, young wizards, fandom

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