Just quickly: my family's having their annual All! Families! All! Day! Christmas party on the 18th of December, hopefully. Any RL friend* of mine is welcome to show up IF they bring some kind of a performance- it can be musical or comedy or, hell, poetry reading. If you haven't been to one of these shindigs before, basically it's my family, in a house, inviting all their friends (this is how we get whole families showing up, which is kind of the ideal group; I'm expecting
sixth_light's family to show up en masse, for example) to have a nice summery BBQ style thing. There will be a lot of children running around, it'll be bursting at the seams, and in the middle of the afternoon we have the concert and carol singing, where everyone does an item- me and thye sibs usually get forced into two (last year I did five, I think... o.O Drive with
rewihendrix, Jolene with
deinacrida, a violin thing, a quartet thing with Lucy et al and a quartet with the sibs. :P) so we'll pad it out nicely, but i8t's really nice if lo0ts of the guests bring an item of SOME sort- music, interpretative dance, poetry reading, stand-up comedy, funny faces competition- we really don't care what. :P And then we sing carols and Santa comes and gives all the kids iceblocks. It's tonnes of fun, IMHO, so, if you want to come, comment here (with your item!!! so we can put you on the timetable!) and I'll let Rewi know.
megaffe can consider this an engraved invitation to come after she's finished work, by the by. :P And Lucy, your offer of help? SO taking you up on it. Talk to you this evening anyway.
*While I'd love to invite some of you Internet pals, it really wouldn't be a good environment for that sort of thing, unfortunately.