Maybe I should get back to documenting some of this life stuff

Aug 16, 2013 09:54

I always say that eventually, I'm going to start writing again. Life tends to get in the way of that, especially since the last time I wrote a post on this thing it was 2008. Hell, even my profile picture is 7 years old. I still remember the night it was taken at The Pill. It was an evening of dumb decisions but still, I managed to have a good laugh about it the next day. Making questionable decisions has been par for the course most of my life. Thankfully, I've become a lot better about that over the past 5 years or so. Yay for growing up a bit.

Anyway, here I am...working from my home in Pittsburgh. We've been here since mid-May and it's going well. I have a knack for not thinking of things too concretely until much later, after a big decision has been made. Some days, I wake up and think - hey! I live in Pittsburgh now! When did that happen? We've been non-stop since we arrived here and I haven't had much time to get out and explore. So, the city still seems foreign to me. At least my commute is only 15 minutes or so and I can work from home whenever I want to. That's a big change from what I had before. I just need time to get to know my new hometown.

Lack of time is a constant and we're gearing up for even less time once our daughter arrives in early October. Right now, we've got Gabe, who's 18 months and super-excited about everything. We are still learning how to juggle his energy with our exhaustion and I'm getting a bit anxious about how we'll keep up with a newborn. As the only working spouse (and pregnant to boot), I am half-dead by the end of the day. Scott is now a stay at home dad and spends the weekdays running around, taking Gabe to classes at the library and keeping him out of trouble. It's a lot of coming and going but it's totally worth it. I know that all parents say this, but it's true. I've done some of my best growing up and self-learning now that I'm a mom and I can't wait until we can all experience the world together.
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