Sep 18, 2006 15:35
wellllll this is it. i'm finally here and our internet FINALLY works! hehe.
but yes yes, so i'm in irvine and things are going quite swimmingly today. we got here saturday evening...after an AMAZING last night out to see west side on friday night. basically spent the evening with kristin and ryan which was a BLAST and totally was how i wanted to spend my last day. but got home at 2:30 in the morning (mum was NOT pleased) and then woke up at 6:30...damn. WANTED to see timothy but apparently he didn't get my messages or something so yeah...that didn't work out. i miss him so much though. it's weird. but yeeeeeah so we drove on down here and then stopped at this hotel that we've stayed at a couple times. and then yesterday morning we got up and came here...
so we waited in a HUGE ass line (literally, like an hour) to get my keys. and then we got to my room where i met my two roommates who are both incredibly adorable. and then we hauled all my shit in. poor daddy, it was his birthday and he had to blow out his knees moving ME in. lol. but yeah, so they got me settled and then left at about 5 or so. it was weird though, because they left when both of my roommates were for a while i was just by myself. and no one else in the building was really around so i just kinda...did my own thing for a while. i got a little sad, i'll admit. called a couple people just to pass the time. lol.
but yeah so they got back and i went and helped laura move the rest of her stuff from her car to the room. and then she took me and we went to trader joe's and bought her some food and stuff. and then by the time we got back, it was 8 and time for our floor meeting. first, lemnme say that our H.A. monica is AMAZING. she baked us cookies and is so super supportive and it was just realllllly helpful. but so we had our meeting and discussed living together and the rules and whatnot and took ridiculous pictures that are now by everyone's door. it's hella funny.
and then after that we all kinda chilled. most of us went to chris' room for a while...he's this awesome guy that actually i met before my parents left when he stopped by to see laura. does theatre. loves disney. my kind of person, for sure :P lol. but he has this KICK ASS room so we all hung out in there and stuff. then timothy called and i talked to him for a little while which was SO nice. i'm not gonna lie, i miss everyone already. then we just kinda chilled and went to bed.
then this morning was the welcome from the dean. soooo that was a nice HALF HOUR walk because the shuttles aren't working yet. yeah...
and then we broke off into department orientations. so thank GOD i met kelly charles (from charter! hooray!) who's also a psych major so i had someone to sit with. so that was basically hella boring. and then after, there was this huge bbq/club fair/rush thing going on so we kayla and kelly and a couple other people and i went and got something to eat and walked around and stuff. it was cool. then kelly and their triple roommate jessica (i think. lol) went to buy books and kayla and i went back to their room to hang out and we talked and stuff. it was really cool getting to talk to her. and getting to talk about home. and see pictures of hella cool people in their room and stuff. i miss it *sigh*
but yeah then after, belinda was walking back to AV (our housing...hella far away) and so i met up with her to walk back. so we stopped by student health and went back and stopped by to get our internet cable. TA DA! i'm sooo glad i can check my livejournal/facebook/myspace right now. you have no idea. lol.
and then i think i might be going grocery shopping with kelly and kayla later and then there's a dance tonight. lol. aaaand dance placement tomorrow at 7:30 in the morning. SCARY! and EARLY! i'm heeeeeeella nervous. oh well :P
but yessssss so in case you were wondering what i'm up to, there you have it...ALL of it. lol. this is such a weird feeling. and i miss all of you like nobody's business. but i'll talk to y'all later! ♥ &Hearts; ♥