I know your heart is true, but this is all so new.

Jul 13, 2009 00:11

Okay, so, spontaneous Janney!spam time. I don't know what it is about her, but ever since I've been home this woman has been my go-to muse for all aspects of life. I'd always been a casual fan, but that first night I saw 9 to 5, something inside me just...clicked with her. I don't know why or how, but the moment she stepped out on that stage, she took my heart, she grabbed onto it, and she hasn't let go since. I loved everything about her as Violet. Not to mention that otherwise, 1) she's talented as hell,  2) she's down to earth, 3) she apparently enjoys spinning in circles with Ellen Degeneres when drunk (sidenote: I idolize her for the pre-interview dancing alone), and 4) and she is, quite literally, everything under the sun that we all know she shines like. (That was my attempt at wit. Pretty sure it failed.) But, truly, fangirl obsession of the moment award goes to Allison. With so much time on my hands in the summer, I always, without fail, end up with an obnoxiously gigantic new one. Because my life is batshit ridiculous. And sometimes it just feels damn good to have someone new to flail over and derive inspiration from. This year, I'm pretty sure it's dear ol' Janney. WITH GOOD REASON.


♥ let love grow || an allison janney spam

Ooooh. Startin' things off with a martini. That's always a good sign.

Could they be cuter? Could they be cuter?


Reason #3904890 to adore her: she is out of control ridiculous. And we love her for it.

I AM SO GLAD THESE PICTURES OCCURRED. Like. Truly. Malvina can attest to the fact that I was on the actual floor over them the other night.

Sup CJ.

And SUP GLASSES. That I definitely enjoy more than I ought to.

Can we talk about how she is always dressed to a t. Because 99.9% of the time, she is.


I really only love these because Allison is totally being an innocent bystander to all of la Pfeffs' cougar-ing on Zac Efron.

Fierce haircut is fierce. I know some people were hatin' on this look but. Sry. Fave.


And I'm just too stunned by these to say anything, so.

Someone's a rockstar.

EEEEEEE. BOUNCY!JANNEY. (True facts: this is basically what I look like whenever I see/hear/view photos of her. For the record.)

And this is the part of the post where AJ totally trumps Ellen Page in height. And then totally trumps everyone else on this earth with her beauty.

It must suck being perfect.

"MAUIIIIIII WOWIEEEEEE." // "FUN FACT: she won an Oscar for that role! ...I'm sorry, I share trivia when I'm nervous."

Let's not lie, 98% of the reason I went back to see the show 3 times was just so I could have this scene in my life again.


Violet Newstead ftw.

Please ignore the quality of these pictures and just focus on the fact that Allison thought it would be appropriate to show up to the gypsy robe ceremony in her own robe. (And it totally was. Do it forever, Allison.)

Oh look, it's my two favorite people ever.

Plus my two other favorite people. Lovefest!

OH, JANNDY. Why must this cast be so easy to inappropriately ship?

Fkasjfk. Omg. Sing it, gurl.

I enjoy them. In case you couldn't already tell.

I don't even know what to say about this outfit. Good thing she almost pulls it off anyway.

If you're adorable and you know it, clap your hands!

OMG THEY ARE SUCH FIVE-YEAR-OLDS. I love these pictures this much: ♥♥♥♥ ...and then some.

SHIT'S THE NEW BLACK. Lookit our little Drama Desk winner!



Deep in concentration, obv.

Taking fellow cast members as your dates to movie premieres for life.


And, this. This forever:

image Click to view

...And I figured it was necessary end on that inherently joyous note. Because shit like that really just cannot be topped. The post is public, so if you like what you see, feel free to spread the link around!

Thank you. You may now move on with your lives. And please be sure to have a Janney!filled rest of your day.

love: allison janney, livejournal: public post, visual: picspam, broadway: nine to five

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