Jan 21, 2010 01:02
My TK armor has arrived. It's about time too, as I've been saving for a little more than two years now. Yet for some reason I'm not excited. I'm not sure why, but I feel, empty? Upon opening and investigating I felt tired more than anything else. I believe it's one of those situations where you have a long-term goal and finally reach it. Than ask "now what?" Well of course assembly would be the next step, but I need the body suit first. Than contact the 501st and meet someone to show me the ropes. That will have to go on hold though while I make time.
I have enough projects going on at the moment outside of work and school anyways. I finally went to Alro steel on my day off. It's in ann arbor, pretty much right next to where I go on sunday, but it's not freaking open that day and closes at 5 during the week. Normally I wouldn't be able to get there on time, so I was very happy. I got some mild and stainless steel for the scutum. I thought about getting metal and preparing for my lorica segmentata, but realized too late that I didn't have accurate dimensions. Now I'll have to ask someone later (*waves at the Death Tortoise) to get the metal for me. Until then, the scutum is fast approaching usefulness. It still needs two semicircles for the punch grip, and than I can add the steel backing to the handle. The mild steel will have to be domed by a savage beating with a ballpeen hammer, that should be fun. Than I can call Rosy the riveter to bring it all together. =)