Oct 03, 2004 10:48
yesterday, i talked on the fone with matt and raquel for 2 hours and 22 minutes about i dont remember..LOL..then i walked to raquels and we went to see SHARK TALE around 7:30..that is a kick ass kids' movie..LOL..after, we sat in the restuarnt part thingi and sum cute goth-looking dude came over and sat with us for a few and told us bout his band and invited us to a concert october 9th in southwick...sounds cool but i bet i wont go >.< but yea, it was a OK day..we didnt kidnap matt like we wanted to but oh well..mu mummie woke me up with sunlight pouring into my room..argh..i hate sunlight. argh..my LJ is bothering me, it wont let people post comments..does anyone know how to fix that? idk wat i did or wat happened...meh. yummmmmmmm, Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate..LOL...well thats all for now..byeeeeeee