its part of that story i started b4..i changed josh to matt so yea..
Billi sat on ground, drawing gothicly designed eyes and listening to music. she looked up at the sky as the rain fell. 'great..just great' she thought. she put her notebook into her bag and began to walk to the store. Just as she was about to cross the treet, another goth girl with bright orange hair, baggy pants and a tee shirt that read: I AM YOUR JESUS with a picture of marilyn manson, walked over to her, "you should cross other there, its easier." Billi stared at her feet and didnt move. "im acara, by the way. that dude, by the tree, is jon, my boyfriend and his best freind, matt." the girl told her. Billi looked over and noticed that one with very short curly hair , baggy pants , and a KISS ME IM A PIRATE shirt, obviously matt, was staring at her. She smiled at him and crossed the street. matt then walked after to Acara. "damn, girl! that..was the hott. she smiled at me" he told her. acara rolled her eyes and went over to jon and they all walked back to jon's house. meanwhile, Billi sat on her porch and watched the rain fall on her army boots and the drops roll off them as she thought about matt.. 'he's cute..too cute..whats he doing in a city like this and stay single? how that works, ill never know. that acara chick seemed nice. ill talk to her next time, maybe if i see her again.' she thought to herself for over 2 hours until her cell phone rang. it was acara.."sorry for calling you but a girl that claims to be your ex gave it to me." Billi smurked. "oh..her.thats just korey. dont mind her, and u were in ur right one, you'd stay away from her. i hate her." billi said. 'wow! thats the most i said in 3 months' she thought. So for well over 2 hours, her and acara talked about past relations and hopes of new ones. "..yea, jons awesome. i love him. i couldnt ask for more. but matt, matt seems to like you. you sound like his type." "maybe i am or just looking for some..well, ya know." billi replied. acara and billi burst out laughing. "hey, my 'rents are away for the rest of the week, you three wanna come over?" acara said yes and gave the 'good news' to matt. billi heard matt jump and yelled, "WOOOOOOOO!!!!! a hott chick..finally!"
For the hour before they got to billi's house, she wrote a poem about her feelings and how she hopes matt will make her feel. she changed into a knee-high shirt with chains and straps all over it, a long sleeved fish net shirt and a shirt to her waist that read: ..AND NOW WITH YOUR PERMISSON, I'M GONNA FALL DOWN NOW and spiked her hair and left her bangs the way the were, down and untouched. Just as she was tying her army boot, her doorbell rang. "come in!" she yelled. Acara and jon, hand in hand, and matt walked in. matt looked around the house at everything then found his stare drop and land ontop of billi. Billi smiled and hoped this 'thing' with matt will turn into something amazing.
"nice place here, cutie." matt sed. Billi nodded. "sooo, wats shall we do?" jon asked. " i dunno. we could walk to the srote to get candy, i have enought money to buy up all the shit in that little store!" billi told him. They all agreed and headed to the store. Acara and jon walked in front of billi and matt,who were flirting like there was no tomorrow. Acara looked back to see them and they were walking with billi's arm around his shoulder and matt's hand on her hip. they were smiling like it was a permenent condition. "look at matt, hes soo fucking happy, babe" acara told jon. "i know, its nice to see him have someone." he added.
so for a while, billi, acara, matt and jon all sat around, talking about whatever. acara grabbed billi's arm. "we need to guys stay here", acara said to matt and jon. Matt looked at jon and they switched confused glances. mean while, acara and billi sat far enough away from the guys so no words could be heard. "yes?" billi asked smiling. "you like matt, i can tell, billi. he fucking likes u too. if you guys go out, know one thing ok, hes never been in a relatonship. hes never been kissed or anythin so be nice." she told her. "i have never had a boyfriend either, i have always ben single sept for korey. we went out for a little but i never saw her so i dont count her. i never been kissed either. i wont hurt him, acara, i promise u that" billi replied. they smiled and watch as the guys talked . "she seems like a sweet girl, matt. id go for it! get to know eachother better. she likes you i can tell, even a blind perosn could tell. you like her...go figure." jon said. matt smiled. "yea i do like her, jon, i really do. we might have something here but i dunno, if we do, its all to u and acara, thanks in addvance then, man!" matt told him just as billi and acara walked over to the guys and sat down. they all smiled and laughed some more.
After an hour or so, they all went back up to Acara's house and hung out. Matt and Billi talked for hours and acara and jon were making out like it was the last time they'd get to do that. Billi looked over at them and smiled...."thats cute" she said. "yeah..i guess so. id have to watch that almost everyday. after the first few times, its annoying. i wish i could that with some one but i duno how to kiss" Matt told her. "im sorry. i dont either."Billi replied. They smiled at eachother and laughed as jon kicked over the coffee table and didnt notice and acara pushed a vase over the tv stand..."ooookay you wanna leave or something?" matt asked billi. she looked over at acara and jon and nodded. they smiled nd went to sit outside in the dark under the stars. Matt leaned again the tree and watched the shy the best he could and Billi went over to him they cuddled and stared at the shy for hours. Billi later fell asleep in his arms and soon after, so did he. Acara and jon went outside and saw them sleeping together. "awwwww! thats so cute." jon said to acara. acara smiled and nodded. she went inside while jon watched them sleep. A few minutes later, acara came back outside with blankets. she wraped one around the sleeping lovers and wraped one around jon and herself and they then fell alseep.