Dec 31, 2011 18:45
Since this is an incredibly nerdy post, I think I'll spare facebook.
Having now read many Dungeon and Dragons Monstrous manuals it just occurred to me how Overkill the Lunar Dungeon in FF4 would be if somebody tried to do that.
Basically in Dungeons and Dragons, Dragons tend to be like the Cherry on top and like the last thing you fight in any given dungeon, they are solitary and highly territorial and one of them is usually a fair challenge for a group of 4-6 adventurers. In FF4 they are aout as common as traffic signs. And there's like groups of three. In dungeons and dragons Mythos they'd constantly be beating the crap out of each other.
Also traditionally (There is stronger but if you are just playing basic without any expanded knowledge), Red, Blue, Gold and Silver are like the strongest dragons there are and just one of them would be like last or penultimate boss. But these are regular mobs just chilling out. And that's not even getting into the dracoliches and whatever the equivalents for like the Red Metal Giants and Death Masks and highly trained wizards and warrior ladies and Ahrimans would be.
Now this could be because I am about to enter like my 20th anniversary with FF4 but it's a cool dungeon but if you tried to campaign it unless you were explicit and stuff, people would think you were retarded. Alot of JRPGs are like that, the biggest offenders that spring to mind for retarded monster selection would be This one, FF1, Lufia 2 (the tower portions not so much Doom Island) and Dragon Quest especially the first one.