(no subject)

Nov 14, 2008 01:01

So it has been brought to my attention that this semester I have been harder than hell to get a hold of...I hadn't actually thought about it that way, but I suppose I have, particularly since this semester seems to have been hectic to say the least.  Between trying to get a club off the ground (failing terribly, but there seems to be luck on the horizon without one of the biggest obstacles out of the way *cough*overcontrollingparanoidbitch*cough*), being a part of our society of poets and writers and heading up most of our school outings on the creative front (I need to remember to post up pictures of the candy house I made...well, cardboard house that had candy attached to it...for our hansel and gretel themed halloween booth) and generally being eaten alive by the research paper from hell that keeps morphing and is now some unrecognizable beast that has to show itself in the next few days, and going to doctors, faking tears, and trying to get one of them to fucking figure out what's wrong with my left side (I apparently show nerve damage in my left hand...to the point that it's affected painting and playing the piano--i was teaching myself piano btw) I've been rather busy.

As a result, I've been out of the loop; the only saving grace of the semester is the knowledge that in less than two months I get to go see Beck and Keri ^______^, which, as the odd emoticon shows I'm ecstatic about.

I've gotten more into the lolita (japanese fashion) scene, which is a lot of fun.  Found out that one of the guys I talk to on a daily basis (super awesome smart reclusive english major dude) actually knew what I was dressing as (perhaps not the best phrasing of it....but yesterday we were talking about anime and he said something about how he had noticed that I liked to dress in gothic lolita) which was a pleasant surprise not having to explain it away.

I do have to say that my most unfavorite thing of this semester is that I don't have time...nor the dexterity...to knit much anymore.  Beck and Keri, do y'all still knit up a storm?

That and because of 15 page research paper of DOOOOMMMM, I've neglected nano for an entire week (maybe over...) which is purdy scary, since after that paper's done, I have a visual and ten page narrative to do for Modernism and two short screenplay scenes to write....plus all the rewrites for my senior portfolio...T.T

So yeah.  Hair is still pinkish, still having fun with it.  I'll go get it redone around my b-day so it'll be nice and bright rather than this pale pinky/salmon colour it likes of late (I like it as well, I really like it ^_^, though I did like it better when it was nice and bright)

Yup. exciting life is exciting XD
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