(no subject)

Aug 25, 2008 23:49

So the semester from hell has begun its second week.  It isn't quite so hellish...the times suck beyond belief, especially commuting, but what can ya do?  At least the class work seems relatively easy...which means that the ton of doctor's appt. I have lined up shouldn't be a problem.  I'm going to a geneticist.  Did I tell y'all that? Prolly not.  I'm really hoping the blood test they just sent out comes back positive...It's not cureable and only vaguely treatable, but atleast I would KNOW what's wrong.  At this point, that's really all I want.

Anywho, schedule:

Senior Capstone (hellish class...but I get to do a book report on judging a book on its cover (literally)...I also have to compile every essay I've written from the beginning of IB on....)

Film and Conciousness
     --kick ass philosophy class.  It's amazing.  And fun.  And gahhhh *drool* it makes up for the crappy classes.  It's discussion based, and we get to write screenplays

Food and Nutrition
     --Professor starts first class with "I'm going to assume you know nothing about science." Then proceeds with "Alright, now we're going to discuss L-I-F-E.  Plants are alive.  People are alive. Animals are alive. Class, are rocks alive?" Then continues with "alright the building blocks of life.  They're called a Cell."  Big letters written on the board...continuous stupidity...

Intro to German I
   --St.MU sucks for taking my Russian class from me...but at least my professor teaches the german class.  It's purdy fun.


International Modernism
---With Dr.K (my advisor)...seems...nice...we'll see...I hate the time, but I'll get used to it.

The saving grace of the week is  that I have no classes on Friday. And that  staying up to midnight is alright...Not much else to say...San Japan rocked.  Worked my ass off, but got two Lolita outfits made...AND A CAKE HATTT!!!111one
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