I'm losing it, can't you tell?

Apr 20, 2010 20:11

I've come to a conclusion about the chapter that I'm currently working on: it's crap. Well, maybe not. I don't know anymore. What I really need to do is leave it alone for a bit and return to it with fresh eyes. However, I feel compelled to "finish" it if only to prove to myself (and maybe JB too) that I *have* accomplished something this semester. Hmmm. What to do, what to do. It's just that every time I open the document, I see nothing but a sea of problems. And every time I tinker, I think I make it worse.

Maybe I'll start working on a different chapter tomorrow.


I should really share with y'all some pics. I've crafted many awesome things recently, including a skirt (whoa!), a crab (kawaii!), and a squirrel (super kawaii!). I want y'all to tell me how awesome those things are and how I don't need this shit from my department and dissertation. Fuck 'em all! I have a squishy knitted squirrel!!

Been hustling for a TAship next year. This was provoked by the Grad Coordinator and Grad adviser laughing at Evan when he told them that one of us needs funding. Man, those two people are the worst people to ever walk the planet. Maybe worse than Hitler. I could make the argument.

I'm also in the process of setting up an appointment with a career counselor in case I need to blow this popsicle stand and get a job soon. Job skills: works well alone, more than happy to lay smack down on underlings, and can analyze documents like nobody's business. Will accept ridiculously low pay because applicant doesn't know any better.

We planted a garden! I'm in charge of it! Bets on how long everything survives! I'm hoping things do because it would make me so happy if I could just go into my back yard and pull from my own stock of arugula, tomatoes (three varieties!), peppers (three varieties!), zucchini, yellow squash, and pole beans. We also have a number of herbs, including basil, mint, chives, cilantro, dill, and thyme. Here's to hoping everything prospers.

Evan has a job with the census! He's training this week and it sounds like bureaucracy in action. No one knows what they're doing. Trainers read to trainees from a script. It takes hours to do something that should take minutes. But hey! My baby made $125 for his first day of training! I'm not complaining. Someone needs to bring home the bread this summer.

Gah. I want Dancing with the Stars to go away! Time for Lost!!
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