From all accounts, the Pink Gingerbread from "Dragons In Manhattan" appears to be based on The Red Victorian, a very real venue in San Francisco...
The Red Vic B&B is more than just a historic hotel on world-famous Haight street near Golden Gate Park. It is a peaceful world travelers hotel; a cozy, colorful friendly gathering place for people, ideals and ideas for a better world. We prefer personal relationships over TV, reasonable prices over maximum profits. We are a business founded on love and dedicated to doing our utmost for a just and sustainable world. Sami has designed each guest room to inspire, amuse, relax or enliven you. Each room is a please for you to actively do something to care for our world.
I believe that the
Peace Bedroom is the most like the one Tuck spent a night in, in the story.
The Red Victorian Bed and Breakfast and Peace CafeRed Vic Movie House