(no subject)

Jan 22, 2005 11:11

Hey all. I'm not dead but I'm not 100% alive either. I've been having fun (pft) fighting diseases which seem to have decided that I'm a good organism to bombard with the illnesses they carry. Lucky me! Note the dripping sarcasm there.

I haven't been writing any of If You Leave recently, but rather I've been concentrating on getting a short story currently titled With Love done. I have it drafted now, but it still needs writing up onto the computer. Once I'm done with that, I'll get to editing the next chapter of IYL, I promise! I don't know when I'll get it out though because I have a History test at the beginning of next week followed by a Spanish and a German one at the end of the week then I have my midterms at the end of the week after. Once they're over, I have to get ready to go up to Lille (just above Paris, about a day away from where I live by car, or 5 hours by train.)

I'M SO EXCITED! Heh. Only another 19 days to go! I'm quite literally jiggling in my seat already. I'll tell you all ALL about it when I get home again. It's the half term after that though, so I'll try and get a chapter or possibly two up then.

I'm still excited! It keeps hitting me that I'm going to be going up there and when I do it'll be like 'I'm here! Only another (insert number here) hours left to go!' Then it'll happen and I'll scream my head off until my throat becomes sore... Oh, sounds just great, worth looking forward to, doesn't it?

I have a train pass now. It means that I can get the train all over France for half the price of the ticket. Wow. I'm going to have to use it! I'll go up to Lyons and Grenoble more. I might go up at to Lyons at the beginning of the half term to catch the end of the sales... hmmm.

The skis and stuff are all out again now too. I haven't been up to the slopes yet though. I've decided that I want to try out snow boarding this year, so I'm going to be in quite some pain... YeY!

And I don't know what else I can ramble on about, so I'll cut this off now. Don't expect an update unless I completely lose my mind and get to editing.
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