Dec 16, 2007 03:15
YESSSS!!!! One show to actually be happy about this week!!! I was soooo sure my little Todd was a goner, but he actually managed to fool his minions into thinking it was a smart idea to keep him around =D OK, the minion title is a little harsh, and I don't think Amanda deserves it, but Denise and Courtney, come on? Their strategy is 1) Stick with original tribe, despite the looming fact that once the others are gone, they WILL have to start picking each other off and 2) Listen to Todd, do as Todd requests.
So yeah, Peih Gee would've been a ridiculously easy person to beat in the finals, so I'm pretty surprised they canned her, but hey, I'm pretty damn happy too! I was getting awfully sick of her and I was pretty much wishing her gone from Week 1. And Amanda is growing on me more and more, I think her and Todd might almost be tied in my book? I totally want one of them to win, I'll be happy whichever it is. However, I think Denise has a pretty good shot at winning too. I do like her, but I don't know, I don't think she's played the game as hard as Todd and Amanda have and *cough* she's not as cute either *cough*
I'm not entirely sure about my opinions on Courtney *coughs* I think I might actually kind of like her, but I have absolutely no idea why and I feel lame admitting this *coughs* so rather than settle on an opinion, I have a prediction. I think she will be the runner up. She is the one they have all carried along because she will be easy to beat. Doesn't really take a genius to figure that one out, but hey, there's my two cents!
Wow, this was a lot longer than planned! So anyway, comment away about this episode, but please don't comment about the finale yet, as I might not be watching it for another couple of days. Thank you =D