Jun 07, 2006 20:28
Liz cut my hair tonight and it looks good. I'm really happy with it. She really just shortened the longest layer but it really looks a ton better.
I will never, ever have Walek again. That is just about the best feeling in the world to say that and know it's true.
I don't know what I think anymore. Why do I always second guess myself? I wish I could just be sure for once, just 100% sure. That'd feel pretty good. I mean, that does feel good, right? It must.
Last day of school.
Last day of Caitlin in Muskegon.
Four parties.
Two easy exams.
Half day.
= Looking forward to it all (meaning Caitlin's party, not her leaving :'( ). <3
For my birthday, I want:
Hair spray,
Gift cards,
Air fresheners,
(I have a special one for Liz. I want this one from my best friend. - If she doesn't mind, of course. ::excitement::)
The nice things.
And there is my birthday "wish list". So don't ask me when it's close to my birthday what I'd like because then I'll tell you a car and with it and the insurance fully paid. And if I have to say that to you, I will be expecting it. You don't want to let me down, do you?
I am a bitch. Why am I a bitch, Lord? (Don't comment on this unless you're Liz. That is if Liz knows what I'm talking about and if Liz feels like saying something. Yes, this is special permission to Liz alone to comment, but don't feel obligated and don't tell me things I already know about, just if you want to add your 2 cents. For some reason, unless it's Liz commenting on this, I don't want to hear it. But I doubt it will be because she's never on anymore. So please, don't comment unless you're Liz - Then feel free.)
123, I'm emo.
I hate life.
I hate boys.
I hate problems.
I hate decisions.
And I hate hating, so I guess that makes me a hipocrite. Go figure.
I have a headache, I'm exhausted, I'm PMSing, I'm confused, and I'm tired.
I think I'll go bicycling with my fat, beautiful dog. I love my dog.