
Jun 27, 2007 02:03


Notes: All Applications are SCREENED.

Name: What you would like to be called
Age: How old you are or would like us to think
Personal LJ: We'd prefer if you did have your own personal LJ.
E-Mail: for contact reasons, plus there will be mass e-mails sent out by the dons in order to keep in contact with their family.
Messenger Handles: AIM/Trillian is preferred and encouraged.
RP Experience: This will not effect your chances of getting accepted, however we are a curious lot, and we wish to know.
Availability: This will make RPing with you so much easier, trust me.
Favourite type of cheese, and the wine to go with it: ... Well? :D;

Character Name: ... We kinda need who you want to be
Source: Where does your character originate from? Their canon series, etc.
Character Age: How old? Does NOT necessarily have to be his/her canon age.
Character Appearance: What does your character look like? Does NOT have to be his/her canon appearance. Explain it to us as though we've never heard of this character before - 'cause chances are, we won't. We're hoping for new fandoms in this RP, with new characters we haven't seen before.
Character Personality We don't want a novel about your character, but a well-thought out paragraph would be best. Please be aware that three sentences does not a paragraph make. 100 words minimum.
Character Bio: HISTORY PLZ. Let us know how your character got to be how she/he is! 100 words minimum.
Desired Family: N/A if you are apping a civilian; also please be aware that the dons will be placing you in which family they think is best for your characters.
Desired Position: Ultimately, the dons of the family will choose your position and job within the family; N/A for civilians
Job: Your character IS allowed to have a job outside of the mafia. However, if you applying for a civilian, please explain how this job is connected to the mafia.
What song would you associate with your character? Explain. You get extra mod points for uploading and providing us with a link! Mainly because we're interested in hearing it! Another late edition; people who have already applied needn't worry. Unless you want to! :D

Sample Journal Entry: (75 words)
Sample RolePlay Entry: (200-300 words, plz.)

Questions? Comments? Here's your chance!

Please copy and paste the following into your comments to apply! All comments ARE screened.

mod post ho!

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