Uh, hey. First of all, I hope your birthday went well and that you...got everything you wanted, hehe.
And I really hate to bug you with this now that Ville's here and all but I have to tell you something. Ok, you know that kid Dani? I think he rooms with you maybe. Well, I kinda bumped into him outside last night and he's...Bam, something is off with that kid. He freaked out, burned his hand on a cigarette super bad and he would not let me help him or call anybody or anything. I finally took him up to my dorm so I could fix up that burn and he had the worst panic attack I have ever seen, like I didn't know what to do at all. He totally flipped his lid. It was seriously fucking scary as shit. He almost passed out.
I'm telling you cause he mentioned you as though he trusts you maybe, or you don't scare him or something. I for whatever reason terrify him...I think its something deep and psychological, you know? Something big. Anyway, I don't want to tear you away from Ville or anything, I'm just asking....could you maybe keep an eye on him for a little while? Cause I'm worried...he has a few loose screws, Bam.
Anyway, sorry for tearing you away from that hot piece of ass you got. ;) Just wanted you to know so that you could keep an eye on him in case he does something...stupid.