In what is possibly the sexiest exploration of theological dualism, Jonathan Rhys Meyers has been
cast as Gabriel and Lucifer in the movie, "Mary, Mother of Christ". Camilla Belle will play the titular role and Peter O'Toole will play Symeon.
I have a feeling that the Fireproof crowd won't be bulk-buying tickets for this one.
The casting is awesome. JRM as the devil? Of course. I can't wait to see the movie.
Hot as hell.
Al "Devil's Advocate" Pacino is in talks to play Herod. I hope he takes the role. With him in a movie alongside Peter O'Toole and Jonathan Rhys Meyers the potential for delicious off-the-charts camp is high.
The most brilliant angel in movies is Gabriel in Constantine. Tilda's androgynous Gabriel is at once creepy, scary and sexy. Man, I love that movie. What can I say? I love Christian mythology and its iconography, I love action movies and Constantine is a very fun and cool-looking combination of both. I wish the producers of the movie would go ahead with the sequel.