The first one out the gate (for me anyway) is New York Times' Michiko Kakutani, whose
review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the first review from a newspaper of record. It's remarkably spoiler-free and also one of the dullest reviews of hers I'd read. She should've done it in Snape's voice or something. Instead we get a sombre enconium so lacking in specifics that it could very well be written without having read the book.
I don't have a rebellious streak at all, but all this "Think of the children!11!1" hyperventilation from the lawsuit-happy publishers over spoilers make me want to shout them from the mountain top.
Overheard at Book People, Austin's independent bookstore, regarding the
release party --
Hipster Employee in His 20s A: So you're going to wear a t-shirt with "Muggle" on it?
Hipster Employee in His 20s B: [with a mixture of resignation and boredom] Yeah.