Yeah, Nate is going for another extended live/work/play session and I happened to have a bit of vacation time already requested that overlapped so we're going. :)
That begs the question...what part of Japan are you going to? It's a country about as hard to visit as the USA, so I'm curious if I know anything that might be helpful to the experience.
Haven't decided yet, we have unfortunately limited time. I would like to see Kyoto and we will fly into either Tokyo or Osaka. We may fly into one and out of the other....
We are flying into and out of Narita. Though we'll probably spend the couple days in Tokyo, then spend the next couple elsewhere and bullet-train back in order to make our flight.
We'd be interested in hearing anything you have to offer for what is cool to do while you are there. We are just starting to put our actual itinerary together now.
Do you have any food trips in mind? When are you going? (Food is generally served at a particular time of year.)
We'd be interested in hearing anything you have to offer for what is cool to do while you are there. We are just starting to put our actual itinerary together now.
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