May 27, 2011 13:03
Baby is still not here yet. I went for my weekly checkup yesterday. My mom says my OB is a cheap doctor because he hasn't checked me yet for dilation/effacement. He said he'll check me next week. Baby's heartbeat is nice and loud. She moved around when he was listening with the doppler. He then felt my belly to see if she was still head down. She is. And she's little but full term! I always get a little sore when he squeezes my belly. Most uncomfortable. He said he's just waiting for me. I was like, UM NO IT'S HER. He told me to walk. So I walked around for about a half an hour. It was hotter than I thought it was going to be today but not too hot. I was going to wash my car but I don't know where the hose is. Isn't that sad? I was going to go to a stall and do it but I'm too lazy now.
I was pretty nervous before my appointment yesterday. I dunno why. Maybe because I thought he was going to say, okay let's go to the hospital! I mean, I knew he wasn't going to say that but still! I think he wants me to go earlier because of the pre eclampsia possibility. I'll walk again later, when it's cooler since there isn't a game on tonight. (I have to go for the Mavs even though they beat us. I'm not a big fan of James even though he IS good.)
I kinda miss working but only because it gave me something to do. I don't miss driving, wearing those stupid shoes and work pants. I don't miss my co workers (except for Chris, a little), and I don't miss my patients. Henny, like I think I mentioned, texted me asking me to call the store. He has never called or texted again but he's been bitching to both Katherine and Ana that he has been repeatedly trying to get a hold of me with no avail. Liar. And you know what? I left earlier than I was supposed to because of the pre eclampsia. How does he know I'm not in some hospital or some shit. Whatever, I know I'm being defensive because I should call him and see what he wants but I really don't want to. On the little vacations I did have, I still got calls from them. Days off. Calls. When I step out of work. Calls. CALLS CALLS CALLS. Stupid questions 97% of the time. I know there are two orders that are going to be big problems but I'll just tell Ana today so when she goes in this weekend, she can take care of it and I can be sure that I took care of everything on my end that I knew was left hanging. Should've done it a long time ago but oh well.
Lindsey's there, according to her facebook. I wonder if she'll call me.
Anyway, other than that, I'm still waiting. I become a nervous wreck if I think about it too long. I know I can do it. I just wish she was here already so that I can! I'm becoming a little nervous about labor now. I keep thinking about it and making whimpery/whiny noises. UGH. I'm going to make that pie now. Have a sandwich. Do my last load of laundry and do the dishes.