RPS, Viggo/Ed Harris, Similarities

Sep 25, 2008 22:34

Pairing: Viggo/Ed Harris
Written for the Porn Battle prompt "grey suits".

In the limousine they shared they compared the grey material of their suits for similarity in both color and texture, as if the matching had not been intentional. Viggo fingered the fabric of Ed's jacket and then his own, using words like "smoother" and "warmer" and declared them different enough. Ed ran a finger down the outside seam of Viggo's nearest pantleg and said he wasn't so sure.

In Viggo's hotel room Viggo sat at the bar and Ed stood by him, both jackets draped over a chairback. After the alcohol Viggo had icewater and it chilled his fingers enough that Ed remarked on it when Viggo took his wrist and held it. And held it. When Ed leaned forward Viggo dropped his head to rest on Ed's chest and just leaned against him. Ed the wall. Ed played the part until Viggo leaned back, looked up, inviting. Viggo's hands, when they found Ed's skin elsewhere, were already warm.

In bed they had a staring contest, lying on their sides, naked but for smiles and the cover afforded by each other's bodies. Viggo lost when he came in Ed's hand and he shut his eyes tightly. Ed never did blink or look away unless Viggo missed it. He didn't think he had. Clearly Ed had been practicing.

In the morning they mistakenly put on each other's pants. When they had stripped them off again Ed handed the rightful pair to Viggo and Viggo held both pair, comparing the weight of the fabrics and thumbing each thoughtfully in turn. "They really are very similar", he said, and Ed smiled and took his pair and took Viggo's also and dropped them quietly to the floor and reached and kissed and agreed that they were.

rps, porn battle, rps:viggo/ed

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