Dec 26, 2006 22:07
Christmas Day went very smoothly and was ever so much fun. Pics will follow, probably on under_sexed's account, since he can post them on yahoo and stuff. Stay tuned.
We got up way, way early, thanks to the USPS delivering a package of presents at 7:15am. Listened to music, had coffee, opened all our wonderful gifts.
Season Passes for 6 Flags (word)
I got Penguin Pajamas
Ryan got Stewie PJs
2 Sets of Wine Glasses (green and blue)
So many other wonderful things. Ryan got me season 5 of Angel (yay!), I got him Pirates 2.
And, I must say, my first stab at Christmas dinner came off with, basically, no hitch. Made chicken, honey-spice glaze and gravy, baguettes, potatoes, pumpkin pie, and stuffing. Nothing burned, everything was tasty and we had great wine to wash it all down.
Now we're home in Denver where Ryan is playing with our AMAZING NEW TOY!! More on that later.
And no, before anyone asks, it is not a dirty toy. But it is HOT!
Merry Merry Christmas, Blessed Yule, Happy Hannukah to all and may 2007 be amazing and bring you peace!!!!