Apr 16, 2010 21:37
....cause I don't think many people saw it....so please enjoy my incredibly politically wrong quiz answers....
1. Question #1 has been deleted due to rampant stupidity. If I didn't have the courage to post the results of this quiz, none of you would be seeing it. Also, most of my friends are ridiculously politically wrong and I love that about them, so no worries on being shunned for having opinions. (Shun the non-believer, sshhhuuuuunnnn.)
2. Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Nope. I'm on a lot of legal medications that it could interact with and I don't think one cheap thrill is worth dying for. When I started taking Vyvanse I was on a considerably higher dosage than I am now, and frankly, palpitations suck.
3. Abortion: For or against it?
Ironically, both. I'm completely for it because I don't think that fat old men in ridiculously expensive suits should have the right to tell women if they should be saddled to a child their whole life. On the other hand, I would personally never have an abortion because of my intense desire for children and possible infertility issues. If I'm lucky enough to get preggers, I'm keeping it, no matter what the circumstances.
4. Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
Absolutely. I also think pigs can fly and pink elephants on parade are real. Bah. Should've deleted this question, too.
5. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Only if the prison system of that particular state isn't turning a profit that helps the wellbeing of it's citizens. Lousiana is awesome for that. A person in prison for life without parole? Really? Really? Just kill the bastard so I don't have to fund his $45-60 a day worthless piece of crap life out of my tax dollars. It's that or he can get out there with the chain-gangs and earn his own way like they do in Lousiana. We'd have less crime if we killed more people for violating basic human rights like the right to live. If execution is too politically wrong, just give the murderer (rapist, batterer, etc etc) over to their victims for one month and then set them free...if they're still alive.
6. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Yes, but only so all the potheads would stop whining.
7. Are you for or against pre-marital sex?
My Nana once told me, "Try it before you by it." It wasn't until much later that I realized what she meant, and then I began to 'believe' in pre-marital sex regularly. Preferably daily.
8. Do you believe in God?
Yep. And all it's helpers, too. Oludumare, Yaweh, Alah, Christ whatever you want to call it. There's a divine bein with lots of lesser divine beings who push us around and we're all ants on a cosmic ant farm.
9. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes. I'm not gonna totally get into my feelings on this, because they're lengthy and vehement. Suffice to say that to me, marriage is when two or more people make a commitment to each other and make a family together. Also, because I can't resist, "CIVIL UNIONS" ARE BULLSHIT. GET OVER YOURSELVES YOU RIGHT WING PIECE OF SHIT FACIST BASTERDS. IF IT'S NOT IN YOUR BED AT NIGHT, IT'S NOT YOUR BUSINESS. IT'S MARRIAGE. PERIOD.
10. Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the US?
Nope. And I didn't think it was wrong when the irish came, or the pilgrims either. We're called a 'melting pot' for a reason. I don't understand why americans seem to think they have a pedigree and no one else is better than us and the whole world should bow down to us and follow our beliefs and practices. Who does that remind you of? Mideival catholic church anyone? Yes. We are Rome. And we will fall. It's just a matter of when. So if any ethnic group wants to get on the bandwagon and be a part of it when it happens, I say go for it.
11. A 12 year old girl has a baby. Should she keep it?
Only if she's living with someone capable of helping her raise the baby, like her parents...and preferably if that 'someone' isn't the baby's daddy. Also, if her parents weren't such ass-hats and had paid a touch more attention to their CHILD - because that's exactly what a twelve year old girl is - she might not have gotten knocked up in the first place. Punish the parents for their negligence.
12. Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
Yes. If you're old enough to die for your country, you're old enough to have a couple shots of sake before you get in a plane and fly to Hawaii.
13. Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Hmmm. Tough question. Yes, facist rulers should be killed. No, not put on trial, not put into house arrest, they should be given to the people they've oppressed and terrorized, and the mob should be armed with pointy things. However, once that shit is overwith, get the fuck out and let them clean up their own shit. Our country is fucked up enough as it is. We don't need to look elsewhere for people to help. Also, see my answer to #10 for my feelings on 'witnessing' to other countries about the great and wonderful higher power of Christ...oops, I meant Democracy.
14. Assisted suicide is illegal. Do you agree?
Nope. In fact, if we helped people kill themselves when they feel it's their time to die, our nation's hospitals would have a lot less vegetable gardens from botched attempts.
15. Do you believe in spanking your children?
My dad sat me down, explained what I did wrong and why he was gonna beat my ass for it. Then I got spanked, then we both got on with life. e did not arbitrarily kick the shit out of me in a drunken rage. (He also taught me to be outspoken and full of strong personal beliefs, so who knows if he was right ;p ) Seriously, a smack on the ass to tell a kid not to do something that's gonna hurt them or someone else is not an issue. People who tell kids to go do 'time-out' in their room full of Xboxes, laptops, tvs, dvd players and PS3's are wrong. Discipline is important for a child to grow into a worth-while adult capable of contributing to their society.
As a side-note, when conventional discipline didn't work on me, my dad got creative. My favorite incident was the third time I'd been out (at the tender age of 16) until five in the morning at a rave dressed like a hoochie. I came home and dad had taken the bulb out of the hallway light and lined the floor and walls with bubble wrap. I can promise you that when the light doesn't work and you're five inch stiletto makes a loud popping noise that startles you, so you reach out to the wall for support and the wall makes loud noises at you as well and you fall on your ass in a cacophany of bubble wrap popping noise and then hear your father laughing maniaclly around the corner, you get the man's point about not being out until five in the morning dressed like a hoochie. Creative discipline. Learn it. Use it. The world will be better for it.
16. Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
I'd burn an american flag for five dollars. I'm broke and it's a piece of fabric. True patriotism is in your heart. The flag is only a symbol and setting it ablaze for gas money would not make me lose sleep at night.
17. Who do you think would (have) make/made a better president? McCain or Obama?
Obama. I'm a liberal green party activist who thinks the real "Native Americans" are the trees and animals that we've carelessly slaughtered to put up shopping malls where we buy their fur and wear it around like trophies. Yes, I was a member of PETA. Until the pig's blood throwing incident. That was just retarded. My presidential preference would have been a female version of Gore, because he actually gave a shit about our country's national resources, but that wasn't possible. So I went with the closest I could get. The dream team would have been Obama as president and McCain as V.P., but they never would have gotten along well enough for that.
18. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
They probably will and that thought doesn't bother me in the slightest. Without debate and argument, nothing gets done. Without discussing our ideas we cannot come up with a harmonious compromise that benefits everyone and is detremint to no one.
Pardon my spelling errors I don't have time to fix them because I have to go have dinner with my ridiculously handsome boyfriend and see beautiful women take their clothes off. (Date night, burlesque show..om nom nom)