This is Bordeaux's Grand Theatre, pretty much the heart and center of the city. I took this picture back in January, about a week before school started.
This might possibly be the last entry of this travelogue written in Europe. The next couple of weeks before I head home will be pretty full:
May 18 - 27: Meet up with Annie for tour of Eastern Europe (Munich, Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Salzburg).
May 28 - May 30/31: Visit Monsieur and Madame Prévôt-Leygonie's country home.
May 31 - June 1: Photo safari of Bordeaux; last minute preparations.
June 2, 6:15 am: Departure to go home.
June 2, noon-ish Pacific Standard Time: Back in Los Angeles.
For the sake of completion, I will post pictures/overviews of the tour and whatnot after I get back home in California. So, see you in a couple of weeks...
And to all of my friends who are graduating now-ish: CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your graduation gifts are... well, we'll see.