I made these on Thursday for the family to share the start of the Year of the Rat. It seemed, I don't know... "cultural." And since they had one of their sons and daughter-in-law over for dinner, it seemed more festive. Now that I'm in France, I finally acknowledge the Lunar New Year for the first time in my life (aside from accepting red envelopes with much gratitude, of course). They came out alright - the custard part tasted like the ones in dim sum restaurants, and that's pretty damn good I'd say, but the pastry part had more of a cookie texture than it was supposed to. However, being that it was the first time I attempted this recipe, or really made anything substantial on my own that wasn't out of a box labeled "Hamburger Helper," I think it was fine (Speaking of which, I actually could go for some Hamburger Helper right now. Or, since I'm wishing for stuff, I'll just come right out and say it: I want In-N-Out. I wouldn't say no to dim sum, either. I can't remember the last time I craved Chinese food.).
During the dinner they were trying to describe this thing they called "les nâmes" to me and I just could not get what they were talking about. So yesterday, Madame Prévôt-Leygonie bought these "nâmes" for dinner and that's when I found out they were trying to describe eggrolls.
Also at dinner yesterday when we took our fruit, I chose an apple for the first time instead of my usual mandarin or banana. I never ate apples at dinner before because apparently the French have a very particular way of eating them which involves cutting and peeling the skin. Not only that, they also cut and peel their apples in a very particular way. I decided, since I'm here to learn their ways, I would attempt this apple-peeling ritual. And, of course, right off the bat, I drop the first piece I cut. I was also unable to hold the knife correctly until they took my hand and positioned the knife in it for me. It was very awkward for me but hilarious for them.