School trips, and requested drabbles.

May 14, 2006 21:05

Next week we have Assateague. I don't mind camping so much... as in, overnight Girl Scout camping. I was even willing to go camping with my troop (until it got cancelled and I quit halfway through the year before it was rescheduled...) But this is four days of SAND, RAIN, and TENTS BLOWING DOWN. (There has only been one year where this hasn't happened. --;) Plus, I don't think I'll be able to be very clean when there's sand constantly blowing everywhere and we're doing science experiments in the water. Oh well. Camping is fine... but not... when it's this camping-y...

Anyway, I finally got around to writing the requested fics for Ilychluna and Ben.



For Ilychluna, who requested an angsty RuroKen drabble.

Kenshin wonders if Tomoe approves. He hasn’t killed, but has drawn his impossible new sword, since beginning wandering. Does she smile? Is her saké sweet?

He dreams of her. (Nightmares.) His sword raised, lowered, and she is smiling, forgiving, dead.

One night, his dreams are peaceful. They stand on the bridge over the river, water incarnadined by the sunset.

“Do not seek death, anata.”

Seek death? He hasn’t tried to kill anyone-but then he realizes he is sleeping sitting up. It isn’t enough not to kill, he must lose the killer’s mindset.

He can’t remember if she was smiling.

Alas, Kenshin doesn't understand. ;_; I'd like to thank Dante, for being such an inspiration. Hope you like it, Ilychluna! ^_^

And second,


for Ben, who wanted fluffy/humorous OsakaxChiyo and TomoxYomi. He's really not demanding at all.

“Osaka,” Tomo asked through a mouthful of cake, “how do you kiss Chiyo-chan?”

Chiyo dropped her fork. It hit her plate and made a very loud noise. Yomi went pale.

“I mean, she’s so damn tiny! Isn’t she hard to reach? It must hurt to bend over!” Yomi started trembling.

Osaka looked as if she were about to carefully ponder this insightful observation when Tomo again jumped in. (Or up, rather.)

“Chiyo-chan, stand on this.” Chiyo hopped dutifully onto the stool.

“Now, Osaka, kiss Chiyo,” Tomo concluded with a triumphant smile. Osaka complied happily.

Yomi’s passed-out form went quite unnoticed.

Well, I'm no longer a slash-fic virgin. I've drawn it before, but haven't written it until now. Muwahahah! I feel like a true fangirl. XD Anyway, Ben, there's art coming for this, but I'm not done with it yet. Oh, what I would give for a graphics pad! ;_;

Anyway, I'll be gone from Tuesday to Friday. I hope I survive without a real sink for that long. ALAS, THE TRAGEDY OF HAVING OCD.

Have a nice day, people. Have a nice day.
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