To all the women out there...

Nov 10, 2007 16:56

This week has been absolutely amazing! I went to CFC for the Celebrate Women's Conference where we celebrate...women!!! Anyway, I was really blessed because I got to hear Lisa Bevere speak about being a woman, sexual purity, being strong and teaching the next generation to live for more, and a whole ton of other wisdom. I think every woman should hear this dynamic speaker and read her books because they truly are divinely inspired.

Something that I wanted to share from what was brought up at the conference is that we as women often get jealous of one another and we compete. This is wrong because we need to be encouragers and cheer each other on when we see someone succeeding. Women can have the most impact when we stand together. And we are not meant to stand against each other or against the men in our lives. We are meant to stand against the enemy of our souls, the devil. The liar and thief that has perverted our society and caused so many women to give in to a shameful lifestyle because that's all that they ever see and know. They don't know how much more there is for them in the freedom that comes from knowing God and the fact that He can free us COMPLETELY from ALL our sin and shame. We are women and are guardians or the heart and we need to realize that we can either wound intimately or heal intimately. Our lives are NOT about ourselves. They are about the children that come after us. What kind of life do we want our children to have?

And so I just wanted to say, Enough! Enough judging and criticizing one another. Enough competing. The time has come to encourage and build each other up. So if you see someone on the road to success, celebrate with them. Get excited with them. LOVE them and God will bless you to the road of success as well. When you see someone fall, reach down and help them up. Don't talk about it if someone has sinned. Help them get out of that sin. We are all human and very prone to sin. Just because you haven't something someone else has, doesn't make you holier than that person. Let's stand together against the enemy and not allow him to tear us apart. He tries to tear marriage apart, tearing women from their husbands. AND he tries to tear us women apart. Enough is enough! The enemy is under my feet!
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