I need to be validated as a member

Aug 29, 2006 20:27

I know I’m a member, but with three kids and a husband bleeding me dry, I couldn’t resist.

Name: Black Spot
Age: That is no question to ask a lady of indeterminate age
Location: Catford (or catfood as we call it)

1. Have you ever been too poor to afford smokes/drinks/food? Which was the first one to get cut? Food, definitely.

2. What is the most pathetic situation you have been in due to lack of money? Sent one of kids out to work.

3. What is the most creative thing you have done to get some extra cash? See 2 but I’m not seeing much in the way of returns yet.

4. Have you ever been jealous of your pet for leading a better life than you? Can’t afford a pet or vets bills.

5. You find $100 on the street, what do you do with it? I’m ashamed that I would do my best to return it. I’ve run after total strangers with 20p before. My parents beat the ethics into me - it’s not my fault.

6. If you could pass on one piece of advice about living life in poverty, what would it be? Never say no to anything free (it's called re-cycling in my eyes) and that you can find a free programme for whatever you want on the Internet - why pay more? independence

7. Who is your favourite mod? I haven’t as yet received any freebies so I’m undecided at the moment.

8. Why are you elite? Because I married for love instead of money. (I’ve been kicking myself ever since.)

9. What is your favourite cheap and tasty recipe? 1001 things to do with mince. Only buy BOGOFs (Buy one get one free) if you are actually going to eat the stuff.

10. You're probably too poor to own a camera, but we still want to know what you look like! So, provide us with a representation of yourself in any medium. I have a camera (small windfall on the lottery which didn’t last a week - I still live in hope) but can’t afford the batteries for it. See icon for working son.

11. Don't you want to spread the love? Provide a link to where you have pimped us! When you come up with some pathetic freebies, I’ll be happy to pimp all over the place.


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