Apr 29, 2006 12:48
I'm starting to think I might be a little too old to be going to shows. I went to a Misery Signals show with Dan on Thursday night, because my cousins band was playing. Ok first of all, these kids were like 15 and they looked like they hadn't showered in, oh, about 3 weeks. I really hope I never just wore stupid crap because I thought other people would think it was cool, because that's what these kids did and they looks retarded. So there were about 3 (small) fights within the first hour we got there, because all of these new kids have no idea how to dance. Broken noses, kids getting knocked out and taken away in ambulences, just chaos. Between the second to last band and Misery Signals, a bunch of people were walking outside because it was hot and gross in the hall. So there were two sets of doors, and about 50 kids trying to walk out the doors. As I was walking out, this little bastard ( I mean seriously little, probably only an inch taller than I am) goes "Move!" and shoves me out of his way. Of course I can't just let that go, so I turned around and pushed him. Hard. He looks at me and says "Fuck you, whore."
Ok. I have a bit of a hot temper. And zero patience for 16 year olds that think they can talk to people however they want and get away with it. I have this overwhelming urge to punch the kid in the face, so I turn around. I think what this kid did not count on, when insulting me, was my 6'4" boyfriend walking through the doors behind me. Because by the time I turned around, Dan had the kid by the neck SCREAMING in his face. I thought the kid was going to pee in his pants, it was absolutely hilarious. I have never ever in almost 4 years of knowing him, even seen the potential for the anger that I saw in Dan's face. He seriously freaked out. So then this gross girl who had NO IDEA what happened comes running up screaming in Dan's face "Why are you being such a dick, it's just a show." She looks like she's about to punch Dan, so I try to go over to get in between them, because I know if she hit Dan he would never hit her back. Someone held me back, and my sister Victoria's boyfriend went and pushed the girl away and dragged Dan away from the whole mess.
It was completely unbelieveable. It was one of those things that happens in slow motion, that you can't really believe is happening.
I'm so glad I'm out of high school...?