Jun 03, 2013 19:05
" His name was Blais Begart, and he was an Eschappé. A troublemaker, the mayor would most likely call him, a rabblerousing criminal dedicated to nothing more than destruction.
The mayor might have been surprised to learn that Blais agreed with him. It was only their views on the value of that destruction that divided them. The mayor and his friends clung jealously to their wealth and property. The Eschappés sought to tear it from their grasp."
4k into the rewrites, and this book is nailing its socialist colours firmly to the mast.
In other news, spring/summer seems finally to have arrived and, along with it my summer SAD. Oh, well. The majority will be happy to see the sun, I guess.
Skirt of the day: gold silk wrap
the cambridge skirt mountain,
socialist fantasy,
death and the madwoman