Well, nothing too interesting has been happening here. I went to Rhonda, a pretty little city in the mountains on saturday. It was fun, but a lot of walking uphill. Then on sunday, our group went to the highest of Granadas three hills, Sacromonte, which is also completely uphill (we walked of course). Thus, I have not gone out to run this week
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I am sorry that I haven't called lately but the past few days have been nuts. I wanted to let you know that I owe you $300.00. Sorry, but I ran out of checks and had to cash one of yours. (I know, how irresponsible of me). Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!!! (You still love me don't you?) I got my checks yesterday so I will deposit it today!!!!
I promise!
Anyway, you won't believe what my speech teacher did. (Or maybe you will. I don't know). Let me know what you think about this. On Thursday, Oct. 10/23, our teacher gave us the outline that we have to follow for our persuassive speeches. (She was having us use a more difficult format than the one described in the book). This speech has to be 6-8 minutes long. We have to use and quote at least 5 different sources. (Must use 1 book, magazine, jounal, etc). We can only use 2 notecards with writing on one side, and it is worth 200 points. about35% of our final grade). She told us to get started on our research, etc.
On Tuesday, Oct. 28th, our teacher told us that our persuassive speeches would start on Thursday, November 13. (November 11th is a holiday so no class). OK. No problem. Well, we come into class on thursday, the 30th and she says she changed her mind. 5 people will have to go the following thursday, Nov. 4th (exactly one week away). The rest of the class will still have until November 13th. Guess when I have to go! Yes, next Thursday. Do you think that this is right? Is this is typical college experience as she states it is? Let me know what you think.
Anyway, I got to go. Lots of work to do. I will call you soon.
Love Mom
Good luck and lots of love,
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