Oct 03, 2007 11:00
Well, sorta.
I think I neglected this journal for over 3 months or so. I'm sowwy el-jay D:
I'm pretty much the same except that I think my perkiness & fangirlness has gone down a notch. *GASP* But all in all, being in university is mentality and physically tiring.
I haven't been going to classes as much though because for the past few weeks the air conditioning in my lecture hall decided it was time to torture me and DIED. Everyone who knows me, knows that Lysa + humid weather + NO AIR CONDITIONING + a room full of really intelligent idiots (excluding a few) = A NOT SO HAPPY LYSA WITH A REALLY BAD TEMPER. Ngarr.
[tiny rant]
Oh and people really enjoy talking about me here (as in PASUM). Even those who I don't even know. *beams with pride* /sarcasm. It's really tiring to hear not so nice things about me which sometimes are entirely untrue or extremely exaggerated. Come on, gimme a break. I don't bitch about you, you don't bitch about me. Simple no? But because people here are SUPERBLY SMART CUM GOING TO BE THE WORLD'S NEXT SUPER GENIUS - their oh so complex brains can't seem to process trivial things like that. Le sigh. [/end of tiny rant]
On a random note, I don't get how a person could be constantly angry or upset. Isn't it exhausting to frown like ALL THE TIME? Just my 2 cents. Don't get upset - err or even more upset ; since you people are always upset. Hehe : D
Hmm let's move on.
1. First few weeks of uni I dyed a portion of my hair pink. Started people talking I guess ; good/ bad I couldn't care less. Even a few LIEK REALLY COOL PEOPLEZ HOMGZ I'M SO FLATTERED! started to hop on the bandwagon. *rolls eyes*
2. Parted ways with my so called clique only after, again a few weeks. Apparently I'm not up to par with their Malayness. What j00 talking 'bout? I am the epitome of Malay mentality! What? I don't bitch about other people enough for you people izzit? Pssh. I'll show you bitchiness. XD Haha, mmkay mmkay in all seriousness, they felt obligated to bitch about yours truly because hey - who could ever resist the temptation to bitch about me, right? I know, I'm so p0pular. *flicks hair off face*
3. After my former roommate left for a scholarship offer, I am cursed blessed with a new one who I can live with - without the drama attached thank goodness. For this one, I am really, really grateful. It's nice to have a roommate who isn't fake for once. Thank you Teeka for being weird and also infecting your weirdness on me in the process. I never told you this but I LUFF YOU ROOMIE. Hahahaha. Homolytic, much? (This is an inside joke that probably only Teeka would understand. Don't beat yourself up too hard if you don't get it. X) )
4. Met a few nice people who I enjoy their company.
5. Hi Shahrin! Thanks for the little drama you caused. Spiced things up a little bit don't you think? Hehe. It's a miracle that I'm such a forgiving person and would still boss you around despite everything. I kid, I kid. (Inspired by Perez Hilton LOL!) Love you! <333
6. Mr Shahrin Weng (yes the same person I stated earlier) got into an accident a few days back. His car spun around a few times and finally slipped into a ditch/drain of some sort. He must've had his lucky cricket around because he escaped from the accident with only THREE minor cuts. I don't know why I included that one in. Haha.
7. Daddy got me a new phone. A red Sony Ericsson w660i walkman phone. Ngee.
8. My hair is super short now btw.
Besides that, life has been practically a breeze. Yayers.
p/s : To that specky tudung PASUM girl who has mamak facial features and her friend whose existence is insignificant to me - Thanks for exhibiting major jakuness (translation : like a person who lived under a rock their whole lives, literally. Haha I don't know how to translate this.) yesterday. I guess you've never seen a girl going to the mall wearing a skirt before ey? Thank you for pointing at me and whispering behind my back too. That is so not rude. I mean hello? How could YOU ever be rude. You're wearing a tudung. Pfft.
double p/s : I might be making more public posts because most of my RL friends don't have an LJ account. Eeps. Wish me luck. D:
triple p/s : I have nothing against girls who wear tudung/hijab. Most of my friends wear 'em - heck even my roommate does. Just those who think they are saints or "holier than thou" because they do and think they have the authority to judge/manipulate/force other girls who don't.
i'm back,
random stuff