Okay, so as those of you following me on twitter might have already read: I've finally gotten around to catch up on Stargate Universe and Sanctuary.
What can I say? I'm addicted to both by now! XD
Yeah, Sanctuary.. not much to say about why you should watch it actually, because someone else already did that for me. Just read
Five Reasons why you should watch Sanctuary, it's all in there.
Except for my newest shipping addiction maybe. lol. Totally into Helen & Will. I love how they've gone from "she hits him w/ a car" to "he's her closest confidant". *snickers*
As for SGU, well I think it's not a big mystery why I like it so much since I'm already addicted to SG and SGA. SGU is simply a "classical Stargate show" - which makes it awesome - and yet it's different in a way - which makes it even more awesome. (Yes, if you've noticed only now: this post really is a completely senseless fangirl-babble-thingy.)
Current fav ships there: TJ & Young (yes, I do realize he technically was still married at the time they had their thing, but hey.. whatever. XD) and, of course, Camille & Sharon. Cause even though Camille can be.. well, hard to bear sometimes imo.. isn't Sharon just the cutest? I'm not sure I would be as understanding in her position..
Ugh, yeah.. I think I just needed to get that out. Blame the babbling and stuff on the fact that it's saturday night and I'm slightly tipsy. ;) However, let me know if any of you watch one of these as well, will you? *curious as always*
Oh, yeah, and of course there's some fanarts coming in the near future. Just letting you know. XD