Dec 12, 2009 02:11
Ok, a short explanation of my current situation w/ my computer, just to keep everyone updated and away from wondering were I got to.
Like I already posted, a week ago my external hard drive crashed.. a few days after that the card that's necessary for my internet connection (no idea what it's called in english) did exactly the same. *sigh* As it seems all my excessive demands on the thing over the last few years actually did have an effect. In short: simply exchanging the broken pieces wouldn't do for long.
Because of that a friend and I came up with another solution. He's bought himself a new computer only a few days back and so doesn't need his old one anymore. (His "old computer" being more advanced than my present one XD). Since he and I together were currently constructing a new computer for my mom, he now wanted to take pieces of his "old one" to put them into my moms new computer - I talked him out of that. My mom does only minor programs and stuff on her computer and so doesn't need much capacity, but I do. So, things told simpler: the solution we came up w/ is that my mom's gonna get my present computer and I'll get my friends old one (which's better than my present one). With the few things my mom does on the thing it'll probably make it through another decade there while, if I kept using it, it would prolly be completely broken in a few months. Plus that way she gets a computer that's better than hers was and I get one that's better than mine was - perfect!
Only minor flaw in that plan: it'll cost me the difference between what my mom pays me for my computer and what my friend wants for his, which is money I didn't exactly planned on spending. :\ But well, what can one do.. after all I do need a working computer and buying a "completely new one" would be even more expensive. I guess I'll figure something out and manage..
However, unfortunately it'll take another few days to change some components in both computers (for example, things I wanna keep from my present one like hard drives, my graphics card, etc have to go into my "new" one) until I can really use it. Meaning it'll take some more time until I can run my own internet connection again, too. :(
What really sucks about this is that right now I don't even have any music at home! w/o my music/movie/tv hard drive (the one that's broken) and w/o internet all I can listen to/watch are the few CDs I still have lying around and my DVD collection (= movies I've all seen like 5 times) or the crap that's on TV. *rolls eyes* In english: MAJOR music + tv show detox here!
Well, yeah.. that's basically the situation right now. Will let you know when everything's back to normal and working again, until then: just leave a message and I'll get back to you when I'm online at my friends place ;) *leaves fluffy nuddle-cuddles & big hugs for everyone*
life in general